Page 27 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 27

Master Ioannis Vasilopoulos,                         Master Dimitrios Kyriakopoulos,

        6 years with Minerva Marine                          6 years with Minerva Marine

        The training at ATHINA has increased my productivity and performance  My training at ATHINA helped me rapidly adapt to the demands
                                                             of my new position
        What do you think of the company’s decision in 2018 to estab-
        lish an in-house training center?                    What do you think of the company’s decision in 2018 to establish
        The decision of Minerva Marine to establish its own Training Center   an in-house training center?
        was excellent. Minerva Marine focuses on its seafarers and tries to   A company such as of Minerva Marine deserves to have its own-
        improve their skills in new technologies so that the company can   Training Center so that it may train its personnel according to its
        soon be at the top of the industry in terms of safety.  very high standards and industry requirements.

        Has training at the ATHINA Center helped you to be more effi-  Has training at the ATHINA Center helped you to be more efficient in
        cient in your job onboard the ship?                  your job onboard the ship?
        The training at ATHINA has increased my productivity and per-  My training at ATHINA helped me rapidly adapt to the demands of
        formance. In my view, when employees understand the training   my new position, providing me with technical know-how by setting
        they receive, it improves their skills and knowledge on their job   me challenging tasks, which helped me assimilate the training.
        and boosts their confidence and abilities.           The charismatic teachers and instructors offered me invaluable
                                                             advice. Besides acquiring new knowledge, participating in ATHI-
        Since its inception, the ATHINA Training Center motto has been   NA’s training seminars provides updates on the latest industry
        “Where Seafarers Always Come First.” Did you get this feeling   updates and trends.
        when you visited ATHINA for a seminar?
        Yes, I did get that feeling. I also understood how important it is   Since its inception, the ATHINA Training Center motto has been
        for Minerva Marine and the entire industry to work together as a   “Where Seafarers Always Come First.” Did you get this feeling when
        team to improve maritime safety. I will mention the examples of   you visited ATHINA for a seminar?
        “Partners in Security” and “HiLo,” to highlight the importance of   Athina is undoubtedly a seafarer-centric space. The training’s prima-
        promoting strong leadership through incident investigation and   ry goal is the evolution of the seafarer. These words describe best
        collaboration.                                       how I felt when I visited Athina.
        What would you expect/like to see from ATHINA in terms of   What would you expect/like to see from ATHINA in terms of training
        training and development in the future?              and development in the future?
        Training can be viewed as a process comprised of 5 stages: assess-  I would expect more diverse seminars using new interactive training
        ment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation. With its current   methods and tasks that combine training with a realistic simulation of
        senior training instructor, the ATHINA training center offers the   the actual ship conditions. It would also be great if Minerva Marine’s
        most effective means of training and development.    Junior Officer recruits had an introduction and orientation seminar on
                                                             company policies and systems.

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