Page 31 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 31
2nd Officer Dimitrios Panagiotaras, 2nd Officer Georgios Alikakos,
10 years with Minerva Marine 9 years with Minerva Marine
The training provided by ATHINA gives you the At ATHINA you can feel that the whole project
tools to cope with the tasks onboard has the seafarer as top priority
What do you think of the company’s de-
What do you think of the company’s de-
cision in 2018 to establish an in-house cision in 2018 to establish an in-house
training center? training center?
It was a great idea that became a reality I believe it was a wise decision because
aiming at the development of seafarers in it has enabled the company to success-
matters of general knowledge and practi- fully provide its officers with high-stand-
cal issues they encounter on the ship. ards training and transmit its working
Has training at the ATHINA Center helped
you to be more efficient in your job on- Has training at the ATHINA Center helped
board the ship? you to be more efficient in your job on-
The training provided by ATHINA gives you board the ship?
the tools to cope with the tasks onboard. The training gave me some good guide-
Nevertheless, the structure of some lines which I could use to plan my work
courses could be improved, and the train- schedule on board.
ing material needs to be updated.
Since its inception, the ATHINA Training
Since its inception, the ATHINA Training Center motto has been “Where Seafarers
Center motto has been “Where Seafar- Always Come First.” Did you get this feeling
ers Always Come First.” Did you get this when you visited ATHINA for a seminar?
feeling when you visited ATHINA for a From your first training at the ATHINA
seminar? Training Center, you can feel that the
From the moment seafarers walk through whole project and all the personnel have
the door and throughout training, they are the seafarer as their priority and aim to
at the center of attention. All the staff at impart knowledge and assist you as much
the training center were extremely friend- as possible.
ly and willing to help you in every aspect.
What would you expect/like to see from
What would you expect/like to see from ATHINA in terms of training and develop-
ATHINA in terms of training and develop- ment in the future?
ment in the future? I expect ATHINA to maintain its high ed-
To keep up with all the industry evolu- ucational standards and improve training
tions. To update the teaching material courses such as IAS console simulation. In
accordingly and to prepare the seafarers addition, I would like to see an increase
theoretically and practically for what they in seafarer certification courses so that
will encounter onboard. they do not have to attend other training