Page 30 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 30
Ch. Engineer. Tr. Vincent Grey Locsin, Ch. Officer. Efstratios Tsamparlis,
10 years with Minerva Marine 9 years with Minerva Marine
In ATHINA seafarers do come first Minerva is committed to the training of its
What do you think of the company’s deci-
sion in 2018 to establish an in-house train- What do you think of the company’s deci-
ing center? sion in 2018 to establish an in-house train-
Minerva Marine’s decision to establish the ing center?
ATHINA Training Center is an advantage for As seafarers, we must attend courses and
us officers and engineers of the company. seminars that increase our knowledge and fa-
Athina helps us cope with technological miliarize us with the ship’s tools and systems
innovations, comply with new regulations, and the various changes in regulations. Min-
and learn new techniques with the help of erva’s decision to invest in the training of its
experienced and knowledgeable instructors. seafarers by establishing the ATHINA Training
Center can only be considered as positive as
Has training at the ATHINA Center helped the training it provides improves our knowledge
you to be more efficient in your job onboard and addresses our weaknesses in responding
the ship? to different situations onboard.
The training I received at ATHINA will assist
me in my job onboard. ATHINA gave me Has training at the ATHINA Center helped
the opportunity to enhance my practical you to be more efficient in your job onboard
knowledge and understanding of the various the ship?
aspects of seafaring. I believe that the seminars I attended at
ATHINA expanded my knowledge as they an-
Since its inception, the ATHINA Training swered many of my questions and provided
Center motto has been “Where Seafarers clarifications.
Always Come First.” Did you get this
feeling when you visited ATHINA for a Since its inception, the ATHINA Training
seminar? Center motto has been “Where Seafarers
ATHINA offers a wide range of courses for Always Come First.” Did you get this feeling
seafarers delivered by knowledgeable, ex- when you visited ATHINA for a seminar?
perienced instructors and uses modern, so- Attending several seminars, I witnessed first-
phisticated simulators, which are not easily hand the willingness of ATHINA’s instructors and
found in other training centers. Therefore, management. Therefore, I feel that ATHINA is a
I would say that in ATHINA, seafarers do training center where the seafarer comes first.
come first. I also understood that Minerva is committed to
the training of its seafarers and how significant
What would you expect/like to see from ATHINA’s contribution is in this direction.
ATHINA in terms of training and develop-
ment in the future? What would you expect/like to see from
New maritime regulations, innovations, and ATHINA in terms of training and develop-
advanced technologies are inevitable in the ment in the future?
future. Based on my experience with the I hope ATHINA continues to run its creative
ATHINA Training center, it will continue to seminars with the same passion, joy, and
develop training courses to create compe- success it has had until today. I am espe-
tent seafarers. cially happy that the center’s high training
standards enable it to meet every need and
requirement of every seafarer.
30 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022