Page 24 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
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ATHINA TRAINING CENTER Furthermore, D. Koronakis S.A. manufactured Center per the requirements of the STCW 2022
and made available to ATHINA a mooring
International Convention. The first STCW
Training courses, the Advanced Training for
winch with a patented tension gauge and
Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (STCW Regulation
alarm column, which also contributed to our
V/1-1-para.3.4) and the Ship Security Officer
Seminars delivered by ABB, Alfa Laval,
(STCW Regulation VI/5) were also approved by
the Maltese Administration. After successful
to the professional development of
training at ATHINA, the first Minerva Marine
Minerva officers
deck and engineer officers acquired their MB Turbo, and Storm Geo contribute
respective Certificates of Proficiency. SETTING THE COURSE TO LOW CARBON SHIPPING
In October 2021, Diaplous donated to ATHINA
a modern audiovisual system through which ZERO CARBON OUTLOOK
voice/picture can be captured from any
auditorium area and transferred remotely to
ships or individual seminar participants. This
system has been most helpful in organizing
combined virtual and physical attendance
MAY seminars. In addition, Wilhelmsen (Greece) JULY
First SIGTTO Seminar for Minerva Gas donated several kits for fuel/lube oil/feed Greek cadets take a course before
officers water onboard testing to be used in workshops their first seagoing training period
related to the testing of fuel oils, lubricating oils,
The first course on SIGTTO Advanced and boiler feed and cooling water. Before starting their first training onboard a
Competence tailored for prospective officers Minerva vessel, approximately 90 deck and
to be recruited on the Minerva Gas LNG engine cadets attended a course on personal
carriers took place from 17 to 21 May at safety, the correct way to complete the
ATHINA and was delivered by experienced Onboard Training Record Book, etc. They were
office personnel of the company. all welcomed and embraced by the training
center’s instructors and management. The
cadets were enthusiastic about taking the first
steps toward their career at sea and about
the new places, colleagues, and mentors they
would be meeting.
The first STCW courses after ATHINA First Seminar on First Aid by the
received approval by the Maltese Hellenic Red Cross
Administration as an STCW Maritime
Training Center The ATHINA Training Center, in cooperation
with the Hellenic Red Cross, holds its first
After a thorough documentation review seminar on First Aid, including the use of CPR JULY
and remote audit, the Merchant Shipping and Defibrillators. The seminar was support- ECDIS Generic Course approved by
Directorate of the Authority of Transport in ed by Prime’s instructors, who presented Lock DNV
Malta approved ATHINA as a Maritime Training Out - Tag Out equipment and its applicability.
The ATHINA-developed course, which is in line
with the IMO Model Course 1.27 on the opera-
tional use of ECDIS and ENCs, is approved by
DNV on 29 July 2022. This course is addressed to
deck officers and young cadets who have not
had the opportunity to receive ECDIS and ENCs
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24 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022