Page 22 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 22

ATHINA TRAINING CENTER                                                      2020

                                                                                 The “Owl of Minerva” is erected on
                                                                                 the ATHINA building façade, and the
                                                                                 auditorium is starting to take shape

           APRIL & MAY                                                           MARCH
           The first seminars at ATHINA                                          Progress in the building of workshops
                                                                                 and lounge completion
           Upon completing the simulators’ testing and
           the training of instructors, the first seminars
           are conducted, the MAN B&W ME-C course,
           and the courses on Passage Planning with
           ECDIS, Engine Room Resource Management,
           and Ship Handling- Bridge Resources Manage-
           ment using the training center’s simulators.

                                              ATHINA’s laboratories receive the first
                                              The first training equipment - a KTE High   New seminars and delivery of
                                              Voltage (6.6 kV) switchboard equipped with a   equipment
                                              vacuum breaker, a low voltage switchboard,
                                              and the Purimar BWTS Simulator - is   Several new courses are conducted for the
                                              delivered to ATHINA from Korea.    first time, including the Safe Handling of Bulk
           MAY                                                                   Cargoes (IMSBC Code) and Safety Leadership
           DNV accredits ATHINA as a Maritime                                    seminars, in cooperation with Minerva’s
           Training Center                                                       HR Department. Environmental Protection
                                                                                 Engineering SA donates Oil Water Separating
           DNV audits the ATHINA Learning Quality Man-                           Equipment, and Furuno Hellas SA presents
           agement System and verifies its compliance                            two real Furuno ECDIS MFD 3300 on marine
           with the applicable Standard ST – 0029 and                            pedestals to ATHINA.
           that procedures ranging from identifying
           training needs to developing and delivering
           training courses are documented and tested.  NOVEMBER
                                              BCAV is tested on a bridge simulator
           First Oil Tanker Cargo Handling Course  A group of experts tests the Behavioral Com-
                                              petence Assessment System (BCAV) during
           After extensive preparation and calculations   various simulation exercises. The results are
           and the development of several exercises,   reviewed with the assistance of Minerva’s
           the first Oil Tanker Cargo/Ballast Handling   trained officers and ATHINA’s instructors, thus
           Simulator seminar takes place.     leading to the finalization of the procedure.

          22 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022
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