Page 23 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 23
Intensive Fire Drill and Fire Safety
ATHINA starts a project with the cooperation
of the Hellenic Navy and Venlys to review
the fire-fighting procedures and improve
the effectiveness of shipboard fire drills. The
evaluation of fire drills, the ATHINA seminars,
the engagement of many officers, and
JULY Prime Ltd. contributes to the training of our other activities aim to set a new fire safety
ATHINA applies to the Maltese officers on the use/calibration of portable standard in the company
Merchant Shipping Directorate for gas detection instruments. The company
accreditation as an STCW Maritime also supports the training center in other
Training Center safety-related seminars
First Arc Welding Seminar
ATHINA holds its first 3-day practical course
on electric welding, assisted by experienced
metallurgists and welders
Commissioning a PURIMAR BWTS
Samsung Heavy Industries’ S&SYS, the
PURIMAR Ballast Water Treatment System
manufacturer, donates to ATHINA a training
simulator. Service Engineers assisted by DCSI,
Greece, commissioned and tested the simula-
OCTOBER tor. The PURIMAR is an asset for our training
First Seminars on Pneumatics, JRC center, as our instructors can demonstrate
ECDIS, and Gas Detection Instruments practically the entire ballasting/deballasting
process using this simulator.
CMA D. Argoudelis donates compressed air/
automation machinery to ATHINA. In addition,
the company contributes to our engineers’
training, helping them understand better
the MAN B&W MC maneuvering system and
various applications such as the remote valve
control system, level gauge, AUS evacuation
system cargo, etc.
Safe Mooring Training Equipment
Katradis S.A. contributed to the training on
safe mooring operations by providing samples
of high modulus ropes and other mooring
lines. A company representative explained
the industry’s efforts to eliminate snap-back