Page 32 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
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DNV Maritime Academy addresses TURN
MARITIME TRAINING global transformations through UNCERTAINTY
continuous learning
Investment in training allows compa- enriching our syllabus to offer the indus-
nies to take better control of their fu- try a complete training program of over
ture, as competence is built on knowl- 140 standard courses. Comprehensive
edge which, in turn, leads to greater customized, individual, or company-relat-
personal and corporate success. ed training programs and consultancy ser-
vices for creating and developing specific
In the ever-evolving business world, prior- training programs are also provided.
ities and goals are changing in a forward DNV’s Maritime Academy provides one of
direction. the broadest portfolios of training cours-
The maritime industry always aims for the es to the maritime industry anywhere in
highest performance levels targeting effi- the world. Furthermore, by participating
ciency in operations while simultaneously in IMO meetings, we are always up to
promoting safety and the protection of date with the latest developments and
people and the environment. decisions shaping the global maritime
To achieve this, companies should foster landscape.
their commitment and active involvement
by enhancing the empowerment of their As expected by a leading Classification
people, offering them the opportunity to Society, the upcoming training schedule
develop their skills (soft and technical) includes technical courses that enhance
through a journey of continuous learning Competence & Qualification like HAZMAT
and development. Expert, Superintendent, Internal Auditor,
For more than 20 years now, DNV Mari- Technical & Operational Aspects of Bulk
time Academy’s main goals have been to Carriers, Damages to Machinery & Repairs,
share our expertise and knowledge with LNG as ship Fuel, Drydocking, Surveys & INTO
our customers, help them effectively Certificates, Propulsion Shaft Bearings,
improve their business performance, and and many others.
find the best solutions for their everyday New trend topics like Human Factors CONFIDENCE
operations. Through our global network Management as outlined in SIRE 2.0, De-
and digital platform, we are constantly carbonization, Digitalization, Antifouling,
broadening our educational horizons and HAZOP Leader, Risk-Based Technical Ship
Management, and Remote Surveys can
also be found on the program.
Traditionally, a large variety of courses
on Regulations, Surveys and Inspections,
Management Systems, Risks & Emergen-
cies, Safety, and Security (including Cyber-
security) is always ‘on air.’
The interest in Human Element is not over-
looked; DNV’s Maritime Academy schedule
is enriched with courses like Well-being, For the maritime industry, this is more than a moment of change. It’s a time for transformation.
Mental Health, Maritime HR Fundamen-
tals, Effective Appraisals, etc. Never have the decisions it faces been so complex. Nor their consequences ever mattered more.
As a trusted voice of the industry, we help decision-makers throughout the maritime world to make
by Vassilia Dimitrakou, Learn more about DNV Academy, its purposeful and assured choices. From regulatory compliance, next generation fuels, vessel and
Deputy Regional Manager, services, and courses at operational optimization, to in-depth advice and insight, explore our solutions.
DNV Maritime Academies maritime-academy
32 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022 Learn more: