Page 28 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 28
Master Elias Lazarakis,
19 years with Minerva Marine
ATHINA MLDC gives you the feeling that you are
appreciated and important
What do you think of the company’s What do you think of the company’s decision in
decision in 2018 to establish an in-house 2018 to establish an in-house training center?
training center? In my opinion, this is one of the best decisions the
Given the challenges and technological company has made for all of us. From this, I think
changes within the maritime industry today, anyone understands that the company cares about
I believe it was the most auspicious time to training its crews. I believe that ATHINA is the main
establish such a training center. meeting point for all Minerva crew members, where
they can improve their maritime knowledge, skills,
Has training at the ATHINA Center helped and professionalism.
you to be more efficient in your job
onboard the ship? Ch. Engineer. Has training at the ATHINA Center helped you to be
That is a difficult question. To be honest, it more efficient in your job onboard the ship?
may have assisted a little in my professional Ioannis Fountoulakis, I have used the knowledge I gained from the training
development, but I would like to see some 17 years with Minerva Marine on many occasions. The specialized trainers made
seminars more focused on real-life tasks on the seminars very simple and understandable. All
the ship and not so much on theory. ΑΤΗΙΝΑ is a meeting point the training I have attended has really assisted me
for members of the company personally and made my job onboard the ship easier.
Since its inception, the ATHINA Training I believe that after each training course, each of us
Center motto has been “Where Seafarers feels more professional and more confident than
Always Come First.” Did you get this before.
feeling when you visited ATHINA for a
seminar? Since its inception, the ATHINA Training Center motto
ATHINA MLDC gives you the feeling that you has been “Where Seafarers Always Come First.” Did
are appreciated and important. You also you get this feeling when you visited ATHINA for a
feel blessed that you have the opportunity seminar?
to attend training courses and seminars in I believe that it is not only a place for training and
such a sophisticated and anthropocentric improving the knowledge of everyone in this company
environment, a modern center equipped but also a meeting point for members of the company
with high-tech simulators, and to be trained where they can exchange ideas and opinions on how
by instructors/trainers who have insight, the training center and the company operate. It is
knowledge, and extensive experience. the part of the company where, in my opinion, we
feel most comfortable, and everyone can more freely
What would you expect/like to see from express their views, experiences, and concerns about
ATHINA in terms of training and develop- specific work issues.
ment in the future?
ATHINA MLDC is an achievement with un- What would you expect/like to see from ATHINA in
limited potential for development as edu- terms of training and development in the future?
cation/training is constantly evolving. In the I think ATHINA is already doing a lot for us, but I would
future, ATHINA could also offer Masters and like to see more new seminars related to our work
Chief Engineers further education, such as in the future. The technology onboard the vessels is
a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree and other upgraded daily, so as good professionals, we should
certification courses. be ready to meet this new challenge. That could be
ATHINA MLDC is here to set maritime training and achieved by attending seminars on new technologies
education standards, and its future looks bright! applied to new types of vessels.
28 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022