Page 34 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 34

How Covid-19 has affected training

     MARITIME TRAINING  in the shipping industry

                                              Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pan-  cost of travel and accommodation. All that
                                              demic in March 2020, many things have   is required is a laptop, tablet, or smart-
                                              changed in our everyday and profes-  phone, and since the related platforms are
                                              sional lives, and marine training has not   web-based, there is no need to install other
                                              remained unaffected by these changes   applications.
                                              either. While classroom teaching pro-
                                              grams were suspended, distance learn-  So, one may rightly wonder if virtual class-
                                              ing programs began to thrive through   rooms  have replaced traditional  class-
                                              modern (virtual online live classrooms)   rooms forever.
                                              or  asynchronous  means  (comput-  In a study run by our department this
                                              er-based e-learning).              year, we asked ship management com-
                                                                                 panies  worldwide  how  they  prefer  their
                                              Many virtual meeting platforms and confer-  shore-based and shipboard personnel
                                              ence software have been developed in the   to participate in training sessions; the
                                              last two years that mimic the face-to-face   results were not as expected. The need
                                              interactions of a traditional classroom. The   for human contact and experiencing the
                                              virtual classroom environment ensures   training activities in real time in a physical
            “                                 from the e-learning courses of the pre-Covid   of the survey participants responded they
                                                                                 classroom still plays a significant role. 50%
                                              human connection, a vital element missing
                                                                                 prefer their employees to attend a course
                                              era. In a virtual classroom, the trainer can
            Can Virtual Reality (VR)
                                                                                 in  a  traditional  classroom  setting.  We
                                              interact with the participants in real time.
            classrooms be the next big        Discussions and interactions between all   followed up by interviewing a number of
                                              participants remain very similar to those
                                                                                 participants in favor of physical presence.
            step for training in our field,   in a regular classroom; virtual classroom   Their main comment was that nothing can
                                              breakout rooms are available for teamwork;
                                                                                 ever replace the real engagement they feel
            or will the traditional class-    learning material can be shared, and a   when the instructor stands before them.
            room setting remain the gold      larger number of trainees from all over the   We still need to understand if this is a re-
                                              world can participate, whereas, in the phys-
                                                                                 sistance to change, a battle between the
            standard in marine training,      ical classroom, there are space constraints.  new and the old. Can Virtual Reality (VR)
            as it is for universities?        Shore-based and shipboard personnel can   classrooms be the next big step for training
                                      ”       without location constraints. Participants   setting remain the gold standard in marine
                                                                                 in our field, or will the traditional classroom
                                              now be trained quickly and adequately
                                                                                 training, as it is for universities? Only time
                                              can take a course in the comfort of their
                                                                                 will tell, so let’s buckle up and see.
                                              home or cabin on board without the added

                                                                                                                                  From green ports to cutting-edge

                                                                                                                                  ship designs, by your side toward

           by Katerina Palla,,
           Training Manager,                                                                                                      a net-zero future.
           Global Marine Training Centre,
                                                                                                                                  Make it sure, make it simple.                                                 
          34 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022
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