Page 36 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 36

MARINE TECHNOLOGY  Hydraulic Cylinders:  Chrome plating offers high hardness and corrosion resistance at a reasonable cost.
           Chrome plating
                                              For years, it has been the preferred method for coating hydraulic cylinder piston
                                              rods and various other critical components (the other being metal spray). For the
                                              above reason, the chrome plating method is found on parts used for multiple ap-
           vs. laser cladding
                                              plications, such as hydraulic cylinders for cranes, cargo hatch covers on ships, rods
           Moving towards                     used in various demanding offshore environments such as drill ships and oil plat-
                                              forms, as well as in mining and earth-moving machinery.

           chrome plating                     Chrome plating limitations & disadvantages  In addition, the various sizes of plating baths
                                                                                 required and long delivery times, in cases
                                                  Chrome plating disadvantages at a glance:
           replacement                            •  •  •  Equipment downtime    of  re-chroming, are  other disadvantages  of
                                                     Thin coatings
                                                                                 chrome plating, which I am sure superinten-
                                                                                 dents  reading  this  article have  experienced
                                                  •   Long delivery times        during drydocks. Superintendents of bulk
                                                  •   Materials & Workshop unavailability  carrier vessels are often told that ten or more
                                              Chrome plating has severe limitations and   days are required for the chrome plating of
                                              disadvantages, which have become increas-  20 pcs of their damaged hatch cover rods!
                                              ingly obvious in recent years as equipment
                                              downtime becomes less and less tolerable by
                                              owners, plant operators, and inspecting bodies.
                                              Additionally, in chrome-plated rods, the adhe-
                                              sion of the chrome coating with the parent
                                              material is often poor, resulting in peeling off.
                                              Chrome-plated rods are also vulnerable to im-
                                              pact, creating surface defects that destroy the
                                              coating and the seals.
                                              Another limitation is that with chrome plating,
                                              we can apply only very thin coatings with a
                                              thickness that usually does not exceed a few
                                              tenths of a millimeter which, combined with   Picture 2: Damaged-corroded hydraulic
                                              the natural micro-cracking of the chrome-plat-  cylinder rod
                                              ed surface, leads to penetration of air and
                                              water, oxidization of the base metal, and even-  Similarly, superintendents of container vessels
                                              tual destruction of the chrome-plated coating.   with big crane hydraulic cylinder rods may be
                                              Oxidization is a prevalent issue in marine   unpleasantly surprised when they learn that no
                                              environments in which salt water and humidity   local chrome plating facility can accommodate
                                              demand very high corrosion resistance. Marine   their 5-meter-long rod, which means they will
                                              superintendents and offshore engineers often   need to spend time and big money to get their
                                              witness corrosion that starts from the upper   cylinders back in operation. If a rod is so dam-
                                              part of the rod, which stays out of the liner and   aged that it cannot be chrome plated, then a
                                              the protection the oil offers and eventually   new one must be manufactured, and sourcing
                                              progresses all over the rod surface.  the  right  material  locally  is always an  issue,
                                                                                 particularly nowadays.
                                                                                 Of course, the most significant disadvantage
                                                                                 of chrome plating is its heavy environmental
                                                                                 impact. Hexavalent chrome is a toxic, carcino-
                                                                                 genic material requiring special treatment.
                                                                                 Environmental  sustainability  and  health  and
                                                                                 safety have become extremely important, and
                                                                                 rightfully so.  The usage of  chrome  is strictly
                                                                                 regulated worldwide, with the EU and USA, es-
                                                                                 pecially, imposing stringent regulations, which
                                                                                 will eventually lead to the banning of chrome
                                                                                 plating. Regulations, restrictions, and social
                                                                                 pressure  incur additional  costs to  chrome
                                                                                 plating, rendering the procedure sooner rather
           An insight by Antonis Kalampokas                                      than later obsolete.
           General Manager, INJEGOV
                                                                                 Picture 1: Chrome Plating station

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