Page 35 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 35

optimal level so that they feel more secure and   workers are encouraged to quit and discon-
        more open to learning, with increased productivity   nect from work, seafarers are de facto de-
        and better stress management. The above can be   prived of this choice. Trying to explain why a
        achieved through certain financial benefits  that   seafarer’s life is difficult in one paragraph is
        reward success. Furthermore, living expenses   like explaining the ocean by showing a drop
        for seafarers or, even better, free time in port for   in a bottle. Impossible. I could go on and on
        a few hours would be a good way for a company   describing the crucial importance of seafar-
        to influence the psychosynthesis of seafarers, es-  ers’ physical and psychological well-being.
        pecially those working away from home on a ship   From the moment you go up the ship’s lad-
        almost alone and isolated from the outside world.  der, you see your well-being declining. Stress,
        So, the answer to whether welfare is important for   constant work, uncertainty, jet lags, time dif-
        a company’s performance is YES.    ferences, climate change, and exposure to
                                           dangerous cargo are no exceptions; they are
                    Chief Engineer Stamatis Charkas  part of the deal.
                            M/T Minerva Marina  Is it only hard work out there? Definitely not.
                                           We make the world go round despite the
                    The well-being of seafarers   difficulties, bad weather and challenges of
                    is a controversial concept at   our profession; The answer to your ques-
                    a  time when,  although   tion is yes, certainly yes.

        What does “sustainable shipping”

        mean to you?


                    Chief Officer Alexios Thomopoulos  spective. From my point of view, sustainable   ing with international rules and regulations
                              M/T Minerva Rita  shipping is a well-balanced combination of   for  the  protection  of  the  marine
                                           good traditional seamanship practices and   environment.
                    In our fast-changing world   modern technologies in a logical framework   We are responsible for maintaining the ves-
                    and industry, threatened by   to  achieve  the  common  goal  of  safe  sea   sel’s engine to meet international inspec-
                    climate change and a glob-  transport, which ultimately leads to the sat-  tion standards, minimizing carbon dioxide
                    al  economic  and  energy   isfaction of all parties concerned. The main   emissions, managing waste, and preventing
                    crisis, it is imperative to   factors on which sustainable shipping is   shipwrecking  accidents.  Proper  systematic
        transition to sustainable shipping by taking   based are the safety and efficiency of cargo   management of the crew’s workload to
        advantage of today's tremendous techno-  transportation, zero environmental impact,   maintain their well-being is necessary. I
        logical advances making the IMO 2050 tar-  and the human element.     believe that a well-rested crew can contrib-
        gets feasible. Sustainable shipping will   Based on the above, everyone involved in   ute to successful maintenance and fewer
        benefit the economy and environment de-  sea transport, i.e., shippers, receivers, ship-  failures to avoid unfortunate incidents.
        spite the enormous long-term obstacles. As   ping  companies  and  seagoing  crew,  from
        seafarers, we must respect our planet and   their position, should join efforts to achieve   2nd Engineer Acierto Clint
        contribute toward a more sustainable fu-  their individual targets and the common           M/T Minerva Rita
        ture. As professionals, we are given the op-  goal of safe sea transport, despite the ad-
        portunity to work on modern ships that use   mittedly multidimensional and challenging   Green or sustainable ship-
        renewable energy sources. A starting point   nature of the undertaken mission.     ping is the concept of incor-
        has been set in anticipation of these devel-                                       porating  environmental
        opments and information on them.               2nd Engineer Francis Lloyd Moran    and social responsibility
                                                               M/T Minerva Marina          into shipping. Due to cli-
                    Chief Officer Angelos Angelopoulos                        mate change, international maritime organ-
                               M/T Amphitrite          Sustainable shipping is the   izations have imposed many regulations
                                                       incorporation of economic,   and restrictions that shipping companies
                    Sustainable shipping has           environmental, and social   must comply with to achieve sustainable
                    several   interpretations          responsibility. The ship’s   shipping; therefore, the shipping industry
                    and may be determined              engine department plays a   needs to take action to avoid financial and
                    depending  on  one’s  per-         significant  role  in  comply-  operational constraints.

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