Page 34 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 34
This Issue’s Key Questions
Is seafarer welfare important for
the performance of a shipping company?
Capt. Thomas Stathakis importantly, it leads to improved company Capt. Michail Galanos
Master of M/T Minerva Rita productivity and higher quality service, Master of M/T Minerva Georgia
making the shipping company competi-
Seafarers spend most of tive, effective, and efficient in the trading Life onboard had been iso-
their time at sea rather markets. Safe, happy, healthy seafarers lated from the rest of the
than in port and are fre- prove to be an asset to any company. world for many years. Com-
quently deprived of the munication was of poor
benefits of family life for Capt. Toni Hadzhidenev quality and expensive. Tech-
long periods. Furthermore, seafarers, who Master of M/T Minerva Sophia nological improvement has brought about
are at the core of their shipping company, many changes onboard. As ILO and MLC re-
are among the most important contributors We live in a modern and quirements entered into force, life onboard
to maritime safety and the protection of the dynamic world, where new changed. For seafarers working away from their
marine environment. Their happiness and technologies and their families for many months, taking measures to
high productivity go hand in hand. Numer- timely application are improve their welfare is essential for their
ous studies have shown that a satisfied becoming increasingly crucial for the com- physical and mental well-being. Easy and low-
crew has increased mental clarity and ener- petitiveness and success of any company, cost communication, internet access, satellite
gy, allowing them to work more efficiently including shipping companies. However, TV, access to medical assistance, exercise
and generate creative solutions to various many new technologies, especially those equipment, and the possibility to report com-
problems. They can handle challenges bet- used and applied on ships, require trained, plaints are some of the areas that have been
ter and contribute more to their company. experienced, and competent personnel to improved. During the Covid-19 pandemic, new
Thus, creating a work environment that monitor their operation on site properly and challenges appeared. Companies established
promotes happiness, physical health, good to service and repair this high-tech equip- measures to minimize its impact by providing
nutrition, and mental well-being is vital. ment, if necessary. The shipping company protective equipment, personal hygiene prod-
Providing them with amenities such as ac- manages a number of ships, which are in ucts, and access to mental health assistance.
cess to wi-fi, equipment to watch a variety turn managed by their crews. The main pur- As a seaman since 1984, I have felt all the
of movies, sports facilities and equipment, pose of the ships is to bring in the planned above changes, realizing that as life onboard
recreational games and handicrafts, and and expected revenues for the shipping improved, so did the quality of people on
many other things that facilitate contact company. So, for a shipping company to be board. People who were more educated and
with their families and friends will help successful, its ships must operate in the professional were attracted to our profession.
them endure untold hardship. So, it is evi- most efficient and rational way. Employing highly educated crews is to a com-
dent from the above that both sides must And that certainly depends to a large extent pany’s benefit as the work outcome is of higher
ensure meaningful, long-term improve- on the ship’s crew, how well trained it is and quality and safer.
ments to life on board to make the ship a how motivated and capable it is to handle
home away from home! daily tasks and emergencies. So, it would not Chief Engineer Andreas Loukas
be an exaggeration to say that the people M/T Minerva Clara
Capt. Antonios Zouzoulas (crew) working on board the ship are one of
Master of M/T ZOURVA the shipping company’s most valuable as- According to studies, many
sets. It has been proven that crew members employees face mental
The welfare of seafarers is will be willing to do their best to achieve the health and other health
a major factor in the safe set goals when they feel happy and satisfied issues due to their work
operation of the ship, with what they are doing, their work is duly environment, which are related to work stress
work safety, and the per- appreciated, and they have enough time and that affects productivity, positive results,
formance of any shipping the proper conditions for fruitful relaxation motivation, problem-solving ability, creativity,
company. Crew welfare ensures the safety from their daily workload. Moreover, they and long-term profitability. Employees who
and right of every seafarer to decent will be proactive and creative in carrying out perceive their work as a call to fulfil an ultimate
working and living conditions, including their duties. In short, improving the well-be- goal have higher levels of well-being, mental
health protection, medical care, and en- ing of seafarers will lead to the ship’s better and physical health, resilience, self-sufficiency,
tertainment amenities. Improving seafar- and more efficient operation, hence better and satisfaction.
ers’ welfare is one of the decisive success operational and financial results for the Most companies, therefore, deem it essential
factors for any shipping company. More shipping company. to maintain their employees’ welfare at an
34 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022