Page 32 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
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To date, there is no zero-carbon
solution that is practical, viable,
and sustainable
The shipping industry is fully commit- with solutions to move forward one step there are some very exciting technologies
ted to environmental protection, and at a time. and research projects if we can create a sup-
for this reason, it is facing challenging The progress of digitalisation over the past portive economic landscape and infrastruc-
decarbonisation targets. To date, there years is another vital aspect of decarboni- ture and produce new green fuels at a cost
is no zero-carbon solution that is prac- sation. Fleet digitalisation delivers the data and scale that can support global shipping.
tical, viable, and sustainable. Instead, we need to understand where efficiencies That requires input from all shipping in-
we are on a progressive journey that can be gained. dustry stakeholders but also governments,
requires a multifaceted approach to our regulatory bodies, and the energy industry.
problems, including technologies, fuels, If we are to succeed, it is also crucial that
regulations, and operational matters we work together. Committees that pro- Of course, getting rid of carbon emissions
and procedures. vide a forum for collaboration, discussion is not the sole responsibility of the ship-
and sharing of ideas involving all industry ping industry. It is a global challenge for
stakeholders, including ship owners, tech- every sector. Along with its long history and
We are making progress nology providers, ship designers, ship- experience in shipping, RINA is fortunate to
yards, finance institutes, and classification be working across sectors such as energy,
Although we have a long way to go, sig- societies, are essential. mobility, and infrastructure and with many
nificant progress is being made for the industries, including heavy polluters such
planets’ sake, and many options are being What can we expect by 2030? as the steel industry, all striving to reduce
considered. We do not know what the final emissions and increase sustainability.
solutions will look like or have the luxury Failure is not an option, but which tech-
of time to ignore any potential technology nology will provide the answers we need?
or alternative fuel option. Solutions using No one has a crystal ball, which is one of
proven technology and readily available the reasons we must pursue all the options
fuels, such as LNG, now offer ways to available to us. Progress is being made, and
substantially reduce our industry’s carbon
emissions and a pathway towards IMO 2050.
Important recent progress includes the
Approval in Principle (AiP) of a dual fuel
engine configuration for an MR tanker us-
ing LNG and hydrogen. LNG is used to pro-
duce hydrogen directly onboard the vessel
using a gas reformer, negating the need
for portside hydrogen infrastructure. It is
a perfect example of how modular, scal-
able solutions can provide the industry
by Spyridon Zolotas,,
Senior Director, Excellence.
32 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022