Page 36 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 36

MINERVA GAS  Ship Shore                  Terminal compatibility studies and mooring analyses are conducted by the ded-
                                              icated in-house compatibility team of Minerva Gas, which works closely with the
           Compatibility Study
                                              terminal representatives well before a vessel calls at a terminal to ensure smooth
                                              and unhindered vessel operations.
           (SSCS)                             Prior to being scheduled for a call at the LNG   Technical compatibility: 

                                              terminal, a vessel should have successfully   The study begins with the exchange of informa-
                                              undergone the compatibility analysis since   tion on manuals, forms, drawings, certificates,
                                              only vessels that have completed this proce-  drawings, and checklists that contain the tech-
                                              dure will be authorized to load/unload LNG   nical data and safety specifications of both the
                                              cargo at the terminal. The Ship Shore Com-  LNG ship and the LNG terminal. Some of the most
                                              patibility Study aims to establish a structured   significant elements checked in this step include:
                                              process to evaluate the LNG carrier and LNG
                                              terminal’s capability  to  deliver  and receive   -   The vessel and terminal’s physical dimen-
                                              LNG  safely  and  efficiently.  Compatibility   sions - particulars 
                                              covers a wide range of topics because of   -   Parallel body for adequate fendering and
                                              the complexity and peculiarity of Liquified   sufficient contact area 
                                              Natural Gas as a cryogenic cargo. Therefore,   -   Gangway position, type, and configuration for
                                              checking all its different aspects is crucial   safe access on a clear gangway landing area
                                              to ensure a flawless operation without in-  -   Manifold and short distance pieces    spec-
                                              cidents or  accidents. The  primary objective   ifications and arrangement for berthing
                                              of a vessel’s approval procedure is to check   position and the capability for emergency
                                              its operational and technical compatibility   release (PERC)
                                              in terms of physical dimensions, mechani-  -   Cargo and Spray Pumps specifications
                                              cal  design,  safety,  communication,  custody   -   Strainers Mesh Size for protecting the cargo
                                              transfer measurements, mooring, and many   handling equipment from debris
                                              more, but also commercial and insurance as-  -   Mooring equipment and requirements for
                                              pects that could affect the vessel’s operation   mooring ropes/tails
                                              and performance.                   -   Communication system and Mooring Loads
                                                                                   Monitoring System (MLM)
                                              Although the steps that constitute the ship-  -   Emergency Shut Down System (ESD) to be
                                              to-shore compatibility process are more   used, configuration and activation
                                              or less the same, it is essential to keep in   -   Loading arms and gangway clearances based
                                              mind that terminals have different technical,   on their working ranges and extreme drafts
                                              regulatory and  commercial requirements.   -   Cranes and lifting appliances
                                              Therefore, our goal is to always meet these   -   Primary and Secondary means of Tank pres-
                                              requirements in the best possible way to en-  sure control
                                              sure the vessel’s acceptance and approval to   -  Compressors Specifications
                                              the satisfaction of stakeholders/charterers.   -  Fire Fighting Equipment

           by Foteini Volaki

           Terminal Compatibility Officer
           Minerva Gas Inc.

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