Page 37 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 37
Essentially, a comparison is made between P&I Insurance Club. When necessary, relevant
the vessel and the terminal equipment after clauses shall be challenged for amendments
scrutinizing all the information exchanged. It and negotiations.
is worth noting that if even one of the above After the document analysis review, a Prelim-
requirements is not met, the ship is likely inary Ship/Shore Interface Meeting, attended
to be rejected by the terminal. In case the by representatives of the ship operator, char-
vessel does not comply properly with the terer, and terminal, is sometimes called to
requirements of the Terminal, our goal is to examine the berth configuration, ship–shore
immediately find effective alternative ways interfaces, safety, and security, communication
for the vessel to meet the Terminal’s spec- items, pilot procedure, and operational details.
ifications to receive approval to operate in
that port. Mooring Analysis:
One of the most significant aspects of the
Operational compatibility: compatibility study is the mooring plan that
Verifying the technical compatibility and op- will be agreed upon and approved by all
erational procedures necessary for the official parties involved. The mooring analysis is
acceptance is essential to ensure that the conducted via OPTIMOOR, a unique computer
vessel and the Terminal are familiar with each program and essential tool based on the
other’s Ship/Shore Safety Working Procedures relevant Oil Companies International Marine
to work safely. Some of the most important Forum (OCIMF) recommendations and proce-
items checked during this step include: dures and includes OCIMF wind and current
coefficients for gas carriers. OPTIMOOR is used
- Connection/disconnection of loading arms to assess the adequacy of vessel mooring
- Purging procedure for ensuring a non equipment for the terminal mooring arrange-
flammable atmosphere ment and plans the optimum mooring layout
- Draining procedure for removal of liquid reacting to different weather conditions.
- Number and sequence of pumps Within OPTIMOOR, descriptions of the vessel
- Ramp up/down procedure mooring equipment and arrangement and
- Loading/Discharging rates the placement of terminal mooring points are
- Cool Down of Liquid Lines prepared on simple “spreadsheets.” Another
- Time arrangements for delivery of supplies “spreadsheet” is then used to describe the
mooring line arrangement of the vessel at
As already mentioned, commercial and insur- the berth. The wind and current velocities
ance considerations are also part of the SSCS and directions are then added to analyze the
since they can compromise the operation’s mooring system by calculating mooring line
safety. The Custody Transfer Measurement loads and vessel motion. This way, the pros
(CTM) system settings, arrival cargo, tank tem- and cons of various mooring arrangements
perature and pressure, expected ROBs, trim, can be explored and demonstrated. Through
and list requirements constitute commercial the tide, draft, and trim changes a prediction
aspects. At the same time, the terminal’s doc- can be made on line tensioning requirements
uments that require signing (Condition of Use, and afterwards it can be decided what might
Port Liability Agreements, Tug Services Agree- be the best tensioning action at a particular
ments) need to be reviewed by the vessel’s time.