Page 39 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 39
Ιnterview with
Cadet Afroditi Chazathanasi
Minerva Marine
What inspired you to go to sea?
The shipping industry requires continuous
growth and development, which brings
corresponding growth and development to
the employee. Setting new goals and plans
in my everyday life is something that fasci-
nates me personally.
What do you feel has been your
biggest achievement at sea?
As I am still a first-year cadet, I think my
biggest achievement is traveling by a tanker.
Having gained a little more experience
and seen the job as a member of a team, I
consider the tanker to be one of the most
demanding ships. So, I have made the right
choice that meets my expectations.
What are the most significant chal-
lenges you have faced so far?
and support of Greek crews. I also come
As per tanker requirements, the captain from a traditional seafaring island where
and crew ceaselessly try to keep the ship the company’s name is famous. Finally, “
in good condition. So, a significant chal- it is a company that has not had female
seafarers for a long time. So, I felt I should Ι come from a traditional
lenge is trying to adapt and contribute to
this work. reciprocate the company’s interest in me by seafaring island where the
serving as the first-ever female officer in the
Another big challenge is the demanding du- company’s fleet. company’s name is famous.
ties seafarers need to deal with during port
calls, such as overnight stays, long working What would be your message to ”
hours, multiple concurrent tasks, etc., as, at women considering a career in the
the port, everything must be done safely, maritime industry?
without causing panic or accidents.
Although it is one of the most demanding
What attracted you to apply for a professions, I would urge women to join
position at Minerva Marine? the shipping industry workforce. One of
the reasons for encouraging women to
Firstly, I found that the company would make this decision is that seamanship
financially reward the effort I put into my needs determination, efficiency, and drive
studies, demonstrating its generosity, con- for self-improvement, character traits
tribution to the cultivation of Greek officers, shared by both genders.
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