Page 28 - 2024 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 28
Insights Minerva Officers
share their thoughts
on the challenges
from Minerva’s of delivering
newbuildings, their
expectations for the
newbuilding new vessels, as well
as the benefits of
being part of the
delivery team delivery team.
Being involved in the delivery of a newbuilding exposes
me to the latest technologies, machinery, and systems
Can you please introduce What challenges are can maintain its systems. Some key expec-
yourself? involved in the delivery of a tations include:
I was born in the village of Milina, near Vo- newbuilding vessel?
los, and have been a citizen of Volos all my The delivery of a newly built vessel presents • Energy efficiency: I expect the
life. I graduated from the Merchant Marine both technical and operational challenges, new vessel to be equipped with
Academy of Macedonia in 2004, which which primarily focus on ensuring that the energy-efficient systems, includ-
marked the beginning of my seafaring ca- ship’s systems are functioning correctly and ing an optimised hull design and
reer. For the past eight years, I have worked meet the required standards. Here are some fuel-efficient engines, which will
as a Chief Engineer aboard tanker vessels. of the major challenges: help reduce operational costs and
minimise environmental impact.
• New equipment and technolo- • Sustainability and longevity: The
gies: A new vessel may incorpo- design needs to ensure that the
An interview of rate cutting-edge technology and vessel remains competitive and
Georgios Evangelidis, advanced systems with which the compliant with future regulations
Chief Engineer Chief Engineer may not be fully fa- throughout its expected service
miliar. Learning how to operate and life. This includes incorporating
troubleshoot these new systems features like eco-friendly propul-
requires time and effort. sion and adaptable fuel systems.
• Pre-delivery inspections: During
sea trials, it is essential to ensure Do you believe that being part
that all machinery is installed of the delivery team of a new
according to specifications and vessel could help advance
functions properly. Any defects or your career, and in what
deviations from the agreed-upon respect?
standards must be identified and Being part of the delivery team for a new-
addressed. building can significantly advance my career
in several ways. Firstly, it exposes me to the
What are your expectations latest technologies, machinery, and sys-
from a newly built vessel tems. Moreover, the delivery process often
regarding design and involves identifying and solving problems
construction? related to system performance, integration,
Design, construction, operational efficiency, and compliance. Gaining hands-on expe-
and long-term reliability directly influence rience in troubleshooting during sea trials
how the vessel will perform over time and and commissioning enhances my technical
the ease with which the engineering team problem-solving capabilities.
28 ISSUE 29 / Q3 2024