Page 28 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 28

MINERVA IN FOCUS                   27 Dry docking projects | Τhe role of the Dry Docking team

         2024 marked the                                            My Mechanical Engineering degree, followed by my in-
                                                                    volvement in projects for the construction work of the
         successful completion                                      Olympic Games International Broadcasting Centre in
                                                                    Tokyo and Beijing, equipped me with various skills, which
         of a record number                                         I had the chance to further improve and adapt to the
                                                                    marine industry’s high standards.
         of dry docking projects                                    The primary focus of this role is to maintain seamless
                                                                    coordination between shipyards, management, Tech-
         within a single year                                       nical Fleet Heads, and Superintendents while ensuring
                                                                    strict adherence to budgets, timelines, and specifica-
         for Minerva                                                tions. The ability to adapt, negotiate, and make informed
                                                                    decisions, while balancing speed with cost-efficiency
                                                                    without compromising on quality, is both demanding
                                                                    and rewarding. Witnessing the transformation of vessels
                                                                    through meticulous maintenance and repair during the
                                                                    dry docking process is particularly fulfilling. This role has
                                                                    given me the opportunity to combine planning, project
                                                                    management, and budgeting processes with the actual
                                                                    technical aspects of the numerous pieces of equipment
                                                                    onboard the vessels.
                                                                    2024 was a landmark year for the Dry Docking team,
                                                                    marked by the successful completion of a record number
                                                                    of dry docking projects within a single year for Minerva.
                                                                    These projects included tankers (ranging from MRs to
                                                                    VLCCs) and bulk carriers (Capesizes and Kamsarmaxes),
                                                                    with ages varying from 5 to 20 years old. The projects
                                                                    were carried out at shipyards across the globe, many of
                                                                    which serve as strategic partners with whom collabora-
                                                                    tion is constantly cultivated and refined.
                                                                    The planning for such a demanding year, both in terms
                                                                    of volume and job specifications for our fleet, started
                                                                    well in advance and required strategic decisions based
                                                                    on the vessels’ age, condition, and trading patterns.
                                                                    The successful execution of these projects is a testa-
         by Michalis Bofilios,                                      ment to the dedication and collaboration of all involved
         Dry Docking Engineer,                                      departments and parties, including the superintendents
         Minerva Marine Inc.                                        present at the shipyard during dry docking, the project
                                                                    engineers, procurement teams, and operations and ex-
                                                                    ternal stakeholders, all of whom worked on preparing
                                                                    the next dry dock while the execution of the previous
                                                                    one had not yet been completed.
                                                                    The dry docking period poses a lot of challenges for the
                                                                    vessel and its crew, as a wide variety of tasks occur simul-
                                                                    taneously, multiple parties are involved, and unforeseen
                                                                    problems arise frequently, requiring immediate attention
                                                                    and innovative solutions. Identifying risks regarding safety,
                                                                    the environment and, of course, technical errors has al-
                                                                    ways been a priority. These shared learning experiences
                                                                    enhance our ability to adapt, improving our capacity to
                                                                    anticipate, prevent, or mitigate issues in future projects.
          The primary focus of this Dry                             Efficiency has also been a cornerstone of this year’s
                                                                    success. Through monitoring and evaluating, we have
          Docking team is to maintain                               successfully  aligned  actual  durations  with  planned
          seamless coordination between                             schedules, minimising vessel downtime. We have also
          shipyards, management, Technical                          optimised costs with careful budget monitoring and da-
                                                                    ta-driven negotiations, achieving substantial savings
          Fleet Heads, and Superintendents                          without compromising quality and keeping final costs
          while ensuring strict adherence                           close to the budgeted ones.
          to budgets, timelines, and                                Overall, dry docking projects are about learning, adapt-
          specifications.                                           ing, and striving to do better with every project for ev-
                                                                    eryone involved.

          26                                                                                ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024
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