Page 30 - 2024 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 30

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                            A look into Minerva’s Newbuildings

          Ensuring that the crew is familiar with every system is vital

         An interview of                     Can you please introduce           What are your expectations
         Nikolaos Bourgkinion,               yourself?                          from a newly built vessel
         Chief Engineer                      My name is Nicolaos Bourgkinion, and I have  regarding design and
                                             been a Chief Engineer since 2020. I was born  construction?
                                             in Kymi, Euboea, and since the beginning of   I expect the vessel to incorporate the latest
                                             my career as an apprentice engineer in 2007,   green technologies, with a focus on fuel effi-
                                             I have been a member of the Minerva family.   ciency and reduced emissions. I also expect
                                             I am proud of my long-term collaboration   robust machinery systems that are easy to
                                             with Minerva, because it has allowed me to   maintain, as well as innovative features that
                                             evolve, both as a person and as an engineer.  enhance operational efficiency. The design
                                                                                should also prioritise safety and crew comfort.
                                             What challenges are involved
                                             in the delivery of a newbuilding  Do you believe that being part
                                             vessel?                            of the delivery team of a new
                                             One of the primary challenges is ensuring that  vessel could help advance
                                             all systems are operational and meet the nec-  your career, and in what
                                             essary performance benchmarks before the  respect?
                                             vessel is handed over. Coordination between   Being part of the delivery team for a new-
                                             the shipyard, suppliers, and our in-house   building vessel not only sharpens my
                                             team can be complex, as it involves various   technical knowledge but also enhances
                                             tasks like machinery calibration, automation   my project management skills. By working
                                             systems testing, and regulatory compliance   closely with designers, shipbuilders, and
                                             checks. Moreover, ensuring that the crew is   regulatory bodies, I have deepened my un-
                                             familiar with every system is vital for the safe   derstanding of the broader ship construc-
                                             and efficient operation of the vessel.  tion process.

          Gaining firsthand experience in ship design and
          construction deepens my industry knowledge

         An interview of                     and became a Master on oil tanker vessels in   adherence to international and local regula-
         Capt. Georgios Koutsikos,           2016. I am responsible for ensuring safe and   tions while incorporating features that pro-
         Master Mariner                      efficient ship operations, complying with in-  tect the crew and environment. Efficiency
                                             ternational maritime regulations, and leading   is also essential, with a focus on optimising
                                             a diverse crew through various challenges.   fuel consumption and operational perfor-
                                                                                mance through an aerodynamic hull design,
                                             What challenges are involved       energy-efficient engines, and advanced pro-
                                             in the delivery of a newbuilding   pulsion systems. Additionally, crew comfort
                                             vessel?                            should be prioritised to enhance wellbeing
                                             A primary concern is crew readiness and   and productivity during long voyages.
                                             training, as proper preparation is essential for
                                             operating new technologies and systems on-  Do you believe that being part
                                             board. Familiarisation with the vessel's layout,  of the delivery team of a new
                                             equipment, and safety protocols is critical for  vessel could help advance your
                                             ensuring safe operations. Additionally, effec-  career, and in what respect?
                                             tively navigating technical challenges requires   Being part of the delivery team of a new ves-
                                             careful planning, coordination, and communi-  sel can foster skill development by improving
                                             cation among all stakeholders involved.  both my technical and project management
                                                                                abilities, making me more versatile. Addition-
          Can you please introduce           What are your expectations         ally, gaining firsthand experience in ship de-
          yourself?                          from a newly built vessel          sign and construction deepens my industry
          My name is Georgios Koutsikos, and I have  regarding design and       knowledge. Finally, addressing challenges
          served on Minerva Marine ships since 2004.  construction?             during the delivery process sharpens my
          I began my career as an Apprentice Officer   Safety and compliance are crucial, requiring   problem-solving skills and adaptability.

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