Page 32 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 32
To ensure maximum bridge
visibility, consider the
following recommendations:
Use visual observations: Continuous visual scan-
ning of the horizon and surrounding areas is cru-
cial. Officers should use optical aids to enhance
their range of vision.
Technological Aids: Radar, AIS and ECDIS are vi-
tal tools. These technologies can provide real-time
data on nearby vessels, navigational hazards, and
weather conditions, enhancing the officer’s situ-
ational awareness. However, these instruments
also have limitations and blind spots. The bridge
team should be fully aware of these and take nec-
essary actions to compensate for them. When
permitted, docking radars should be used both
forward and aft. Additionally, new AI or augmented
reality equipment may be installed to complement
the required bridge equipment and help mitigate
blind spots.
Keep moving: To overcome the limitations of vi-
Enhancing sual and radar blind spots, the bridge team mem-
bers must move around the bridge to maintain a
complete view and comply with rule 5 of the COL-
bridge visibility REGs. When overtaking smaller vessels in narrow
canals, blind spots can obscure the smaller ships
from the bridge team’s view. In such situations,
the bridge team should visit the bridge wings to
improve situational awareness. Additionally, before
A comprehensive guide altering course, the bridge team should check the
by Britannia P&I Club bridge wings to ensure there are no obstructions.
Modification and management of change: Con-
sider any changes to the ship’s layout. Installing
new cargo cranes or wind rotors may impact vis-
ibility and should be taken into account. Seek ap-
proval from the flag state and classification society
Bridge visibility, which refers to the unobstructed view the bridge for these modifications.
team has from the bridge, is regulated by the SOLAS convention. Speed: Adjust speed accordingly as per COLREG
Good visibility is essential for safe navigation, collision avoidance, rule 6 when passing restricted or dense traffic areas.
and effective decision-making. However, several factors influence Training: Highlight the limitations of wheelhouse
bridge visibility, including the ship’s design, the height and location visibility as part of new watchkeepers’ familiari-
of the bridge, and the arrangement of cargo or equipment on deck. sation. Continuous training, including simulation
These obstructions or blind spots can significantly impede the exercises, helps officers practice and improve their
officer’s ability to monitor the surroundings. Additionally, during responses to different scenarios.
navigational situations such as overtaking smaller vessels in nar- Bridge Resource Management (BRM): Effective
row canals, visual contact can become limited when the smaller BRM involves teamwork, communication, and the
ships move along the hull of the overtaking ship in close proximity. optimal use of all available resources. It ensures
multiple crew members share the responsibility
How to reduce the impact of blind spots of maintaining a lookout, reducing the likelihood
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea of human error.
(COLREGs) emphasise the need for a lookout at all times, in
all conditions, to ensure safe navigation. Maintaining a proper
lookout requires vigilant monitoring of the ship’s surroundings Bridge visibility and maintaining a proper lookout are crucial
by utilising human senses and technological aids. To maintain a elements of maritime safety. By combining visual observations,
proper lookout, the bridge team must be familiar with any blind advanced technology, regular training, and effective commu-
spots and understand how these affect their visibility and elec- nication, officers can enhance their situational awareness and
tronic instruments, such as the radar. ensure safe navigation.
30 ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024