Page 22 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 22

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                  27 Dry docking projects | Behind the scenes

         Advanced planning along                                     During 2024, the following dry docking projects were
                                                                     completed in my fleet:
         with a contingency plan                                        •   MT MINERVA GLORIA
         ensures the success                                            •   at Fujian Huadong
                                                                            MT MINERVA MARINA
         of every dry docking project                                   •   at Qatar Technologies
                                                                            MT APOLYTARES
                                                                            at Fujian Huadong
                                                                        •   MT MINERVA OLYMPIA
                                                                            at Sefine
                                                                        •   MT MINERVA LYDIA
                                                                            at Fujian Huadong
                                                                        •   MT MINERVA VERA
                                                                            at Qatar Technologies
                                                                        •   MT MINERVA SOPHIA
                                                                            at Sefine
                                                                        •   MT MINERVA KALLISTO
                                                                            at BLRT Turku
                                                                        •   MT MINERVA SYMPHONY
                                                                            at Skaramangas

                                                                     The most challenging dry dockings were those of the
                                                                     “MINERVA MARINA” and the “MINERVA VERA”, which
                                                                     were performed in Qatar.
                                                                     The dry docking process presents significant challenges
                                                                     that must be overcome in order to complete the project
                                                                     successfully. Some of the challenges we faced included
                                                                     the following:
                                                                        •   Environmental factors and weather condi-
         by Dimitris Papadodimas,                                           tions. Weather and other environmental factors
         Marine Superintendent -                                            are major obstacles in dry docking operations.
         Fleet C,                                                           High temperatures in the region caused delays
         Minerva Marine Inc.                                                and interruptions in operations, which affected
                                                                            the timetables and increased costs.
                                                                        •   Scheduling and coordination with shipyards.
                                                                            Dry docking must be carefully timed to avoid
                                                                            disrupting the vessel’s schedule. Scheduling
                                                                            also needs to take into account the availability
                                                                            of the dry dock facility and the workforce who
                                                                            will be performing the work.
                                                                        •   Safety concerns. The dry docking process
                                                                            presents various safety risks to the workers and
                                                                            the environment. Shipyards must have strict
                                                                            safety protocols in place to protect workers,
                                                                            while also taking steps to prevent pollution and
                                                                            other environmental damage.
                                                                        •   Budget and cost management. Dry docking
                                                                            can be an expensive process, and shipowners
                                                                            must carefully budget for the work that needs
                                                                            to be done. Unexpected repairs or upgrades
                                                                            can add to the cost of the dry-docking process,
                                                                            making it important to have a contingency plan
                                                                            in place.
                                                                     Moreover, shipyards must ensure that they comply with
                                                                     all applicable regulations, which can be time-consuming
                                                                     and costly.
                                                                     The most significant lesson learnt was the importance of
                                                                     overcoming challenges with advanced planning and sched-
                                                                     uling strategies, along with a contingency plan, in order
                                                                     to be well prepared, ensuring the success of the project.

          20                                                                                ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024
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