Page 21 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 21

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                            27 Dry docking projects | Behind the scenes

        Table 1                                                                non-availability of shipyards due to high de-
                                                                               mand, labour shortages in the repair sector,
         Vessel           Yard              Location        Age    Size        and rising operational costs, the successful
                                                                               completion of these dry dockings highlights
         Apolytares       Fujian Huadong    Fujian, China   15     VLCC        the company’s commitment to maintaining
                                                                               the safety, technical performance, efficien-
         Minerva Gloria   Fujian Huadong    Fujian, China   15     Aframax     cy, and commercial needs of vessels within
                                                                               minimum stoppage period. The successful
         Minerva Lydia    Fujian Huadong    Fujian, China   20     MR          results of these efforts are also reflected in
                                                                               the KPIs presented below, which highlight
         Minerva Marina   Qatar Technologies  Ras Laffan, Qatar  15  Suezmax   that dry-docking repairs were completed
                                                                               both timely and cost-effectively.
         Minerva Olympia  Sefine            Yalova, Turkey  5      Aframax     The key factor behind these successful re-
                                                                               sults is the preparation prior to the repairs
         Minerva Sophia   Sefine            Yalova, Turkey  15     Aframax     by working towards a proper dry docking
                                                                               specification. Our preparation starts 6-9
         Minerva Vera     Qatar Technologies  Ras Laffan, Qatar  15  Suezmax   months before the expected dry docking
                                                                               period  and  involves  notifying  the  ves-
         Minerva Kallisto  BLRT             Turku, Finland  5      Aframax     sel about the preparations to be made,
                                                                               pre-drydocking inspections, discussions
         Minerva Symphony  Skaramangas      Greece          18     Suezmax     with the OP, Marine, Vetting, and IT De-
                                                                               partments for any proposed modifications,
                                                                               spare parts requisitions, and careful stor-
                                           Additionally, various modifications were   age management on-board. Most impor-
                                           carried out during the dry docking repairs.   tantly, the preparation involves follow-ups
                                           These modifications mostly derive from   to ensure precise and timely reporting of
                                           industry requirements or vessel recom-  the vessel’s hull, machinery, piping, out-
                                           mendations and are always challenging to   fitting, and accommodation conditions by
                                           combine with the core repairs of the stan-  the onboard personnel. It should be noted
        TE(B) A04-1 Average no.            dard specification. Some indicative modi-  that the dry docking specification is cru-
        of deviation days for              fications performed included the seawater   cial, as it affects the decision of where the
        a normal DD                        cooling piping modification for recirculation   vessel will be dry docked, and as such,
                                           when navigating in low temperatures, the   impacts the agreements with the selected
        2.00                               installation of fuel oil sampling points as   shipyards for pre-booking the available dry
                                           required by the MARPOL Annex VI, an
                                                                               docking slots.
                                           additional bollard installation to meet the   In conclusion, the successful completion
        Target: Less than 5 days           Neo-Panama Canal mooring requirements,   of 27 dry docking projects within a year
                                           remaining BWTS installations, and the PMI   underlines the strong and solid structure
                                           Adaptive Cylinder Control (ACCo) upgrade   of our organisation, the dedication of the
        TE(B) R03-1 Deviation              on ME-C engines for engine performance   company’s team onshore and onboard,
        of actual yard cost vs             and fuel efficiency improvement.    as well as their adaptability and resilience
        budget                             Dry docking is a highly demanding project   to the rapid changes of highly demand-
                                           that involves a wide range of technical and   ing processes. As we move forward, we
        -7.37%                             safety procedures, as well as high levels of   remain team-focused, ensuring that our
                                                                               vessels are well-maintained, compliant,
                                           coordination and simultaneous operations
                                           (SIMOPS). Despite the current ongoing chal-  and ready to meet the challenges of the
        Target: Less than 5%               lenges such as supply chain disruptions,   global maritime industry.

          Estimated Repair Duration (days)   Final Repair Duration (days)


             MINERVA       APOLYTARES     MINERVA       MINERVA       MINERVA       MINERVA       MINERVA
             (China)       (China)        (China)       (Qatar)       (Qatar)       (Turkey)      (Turkey)

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