Page 18 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 18
MINERVA IN FOCUS 27 Dry docking projects | Behind the scenes
Operating a vessel in dry dock As 2024 comes to a close, it leaves us with a
wealth of memories, pride, and countless pro-
requires daily coordination, ductive hours spent on self-assessment for the
successful and almost uneventful dry dockings
careful planning & monitoring carried out for Fleet B vessels.
This was a challenging year, with nearly 50%
of every task of Fleet B vessels undergoing demanding dry
docking operations due to their age, the target
of achieving a Grade 1 CAP rating, and the tight
execution timelines.
Needless to say, all of these goals were
achieved thanks to Minerva’s safety culture
and zero tolerance for any kind of incident. The
experience gained from previous years, proper
planning, effective communication, and coop-
eration between the departments involved were
the fundamental principles for the meticulous
preparation of each vessel.
However, a well-prepared vessel is not enough
on its own. Operating a vessel in dry dock re-
quires daily coordination as well as the careful
planning, monitoring and execution of every
single task. It demands an experienced lead-
er, skilful enough to organise and control ev-
ery task, offer alternatives and solutions to any
unexpected barriers, ensuring each day is as
productive as it can be. This is, undoubtedly, the
most challenging aspect of the entire process:
maintaining resilience and ensuring that every-
Tilemachos Panagiotidis, thing runs on the safe side. It is crucial to not let
Superintendent Engineer - yourself be influenced by any kind of external
Fleet B, factor, avoiding shortcuts or compromises that
Minerva Marine Inc. could endanger safety.
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16 ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024