Page 16 - 2024 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 16

Bulk Carriers                                                  A look into Minerva’s Newbuildings

                                                              Minerva Dry’s recent order for
                                                              three high-performance 64,000-
                                                              DWT dry bulk carriers from Oshima
                                                              Shipbuilding in Japan – a renowned
                                                              builder of bulk carriers – will
                                                              see Minerva’s first-ever vessels
                                                              classed by ClassNK.

                                                              ClassNK is honoured to hold the No. 1 share in the number of ships
                                                              registered by Greek owners while also leading in bulk carrier regis-
                                                              trations. Leveraging its longstanding presence in Piraeus and close
                                                              connections with Greek shipowners, ClassNK has successfully
                                                              strengthened these relationships.
                                                              It is always a matter of celebration when ClassNK’s role in developing
                                                              and upholding the rules behind safe and efficient bulk carriers attracts
                                                              a new client, but this is a special milestone for our Greek office, given
                                                              Minerva’s continuing drive to grow its fleet of sustainable ships.
                                                              The ClassNK Hull Department has already examined and approved
                                                              the drawings for Minerva's bulkers to verify their alignment with
                                                              ClassNK’s latest revision of Part CSR-B of its Rules and Guidance
                                                              for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships.
                                                              At this point, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the
                                                              CSR. The IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR) for bulk carriers
         We look forward                                      and oil tankers were developed to unify safety standards for these
                                                              vessels. Initially, separate rules existed for bulk carriers (CSR-BC)
         to the delivery                                      and double-hull oil tankers (CSR-OT), which were adopted in 2005.
                                                              Harmonisation efforts began in response to calls for consistency, and
         of Minerva Dry’s new,                                in 2013 IACS adopted the unified CSR-BC&OT, which aligns with
                                                              the IMO’s Goal-Based Standards (GBS). This unified rule applies to
         state-of-the-art                                     bulk carriers over 90 meters and double-hull oil tankers over 150
                                                              meters, effective for contracts dated after 1 July 2015.
         bulk carrier trio                                    The CSR-BC&OT aims to enhance safety by eliminating inconsisten-
                                                              cies between the structural rules for bulk carriers and oil tankers. It
                                                              defines specific requirements for ship design and construction, ad-
                                                              dressing load-bearing capacity, fatigue resistance, buckling strength,
          by Daiji Aihara,                                    and corrosion protection. The rule also includes detailed guidelines
          Deputy General Manager                              for performing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on all cargo areas, ex-
          of Piraeus Office,                                  panding the scope of assessment to improve structural integrity
          ClassNK                                             under various operating conditions.
                                                              ClassNK played a key role in the development of the CSR-BC&OT
                                                              by actively contributing to the IACS harmonisation efforts. ClassNK
                                                              provided specialists for project teams to optimise those requirements
         It is an honour to be part                           and reviewed industry feedback to ensure alignment with IACS and
                                                              IMO standards. ClassNK’s involvement was critical in shaping the
         of the Minerva success                               technical requirements of the unified rules.
                                                              To assist ship designers in meeting CSR-BC&OT requirements,
         story and to offer                                   ClassNK developed PrimeShip-HULL HCSR, a trusted and easy-to-
         our support to a ship                                use tool. Offering powerful features for prescriptive calculations and
                                                              finite element analysis, it facilitates efficient and accurate structural
         management company                                   assessments, saving both time and effort. Seamlessly integrated with
                                                              CAD and CAE software, it speeds up data import and modelling.
         so highly regarded for                               ClassNK also provides extensive support, including regular updates,
                                                              training, and a dedicated help desk.
         its standards in ensuring                            Working together with Minerva and Oshima Shipbuilding, ClassNK
         the safety and high                                  looks forward to a truly collaborative process resulting in the delivery
                                                              of Minerva Dry’s new, state-of-the-art bulk carrier trio. For ClassNK,
         performance of its fleet                             it is an honour to be part of Minerva's success story and to offer our
                                                              support to a ship management company so highly regarded for its
                                                              standards in ensuring the safety and high performance of its fleet.

          16                                                                                ISSUE 29 / Q3 2024
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