Page 16 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 16
MINER V A IN FOCUS 27 Dry docking projects | Behind the scenes
Open dialogue The works carried out during these dry dockings included hull
cleaning and painting, tank inspection and maintenance, various
and exchange deck and engine maintenance jobs,as well as main engine and
machinery overhauling.
of ideas contribute The “MINERVA ZEN” was the most challenging project, mainly due
to her age and the extensive work that had to be done on the deck
to the success of all and ballast tanks. To cope with those tasks, a riding team was as-
sembled in advance and joined the vessel five months prior to the
dry docking projects scheduled dry docking, to undertake the necessary preparatory work.
Other challenging conditions that were encountered included our
company’s demands for effective quality controls to the yards,
the enforcement of protocols that will ensure the safety of seafar-
ers and riding teams onboard, thorough inspections ensuring the
high-quality workmanship, planning and coordination of contractors,
shipyard and vessel staff and, finally, the delays that needed to be
avoided to prevent significant financial losses.
Lessons learned:
• Conducting comprehensive pre-docking inspections and
thorough planning can help identify potential issues in
advance and reduce the likelihood of encountering un-
foreseen problems.
• Ensuring that the communication channels between the
attending superintendents and the Office staff are clear, as
this can improve the efficiency and safety of dry docking
operations. Regular communication is crucial for effec-
tively addressing any issues that may arise.
• Yard evaluation is an important factor in the selection
• Strong negotiation skills of the attending superintendents
and the yard’s ship repair manager are required effective
tools for a successful and cost-effective repair.
by Dimitrios Kontominas, • The training of superintendents and their familiarisation
Superintendent - with new technologies are equally important in enabling
Fleet A, them to perform their tasks effectively.
Minerva Marine Inc. • Ensuring adequate rest for all personnel involved is crucial
for maintaining high morale and reducing the likelihood
of incidents.
• Monitoring the weather and selecting favourable con-
ditions for the treatment of the hull are also important
factors that should be taken into account.
• Maintaining records of each dry docking activity involved,
the challenges faced, and the solutions implemented can
assist us and our colleagues in the future.
• Continuous improvement can be achieved by regularly
reviewing and updating dry docking procedures based
on the feedback received from all involved members and
lessons learned.
• Upon completion of a dry docking project, a comprehen-
sive plan for final preparations ensures the vessel is ready
for her first loading, external inspection, and restoration
In the year 2024, the Minerva to fully operational and excellent cosmetic condition.
Marine fleet underwent several By addressing the challenges and applying these lessons
dry docking projects. learned, the company can enhance the efficiency, safety, and
Particularly, Fleet A completed success of future dry docking projects across its fleets.
Organising workshops and seminars to discuss best practices
two dry docking projects for and the lessons learned from the 2024 dry docking projects,
the vessels “ZOURVA” as well as encouraging open dialogue and exchange of ideas
and “MINERVA ZEN”. among colleagues, can contribute to the successful completion
of future dry docking projects.
14 ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024