Page 14 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 14
MINERVA IN FOCUS 27 Dry docking projects | Behind the scenes
lessons we learned is the need for a
detailed, upfront plan. By having a
well-thought-out plan and risk manage-
ment strategy in place, we were able to
mitigate unforeseen issues and avoid
delays. A more accurate assessment
of the vessel’s condition prior to dry
docking helps us to allocate resources
effectively and streamline the process.
• Collaborative approach: Successful
dry docking projects rely heavily on
collaboration between the Onsite Dry
dock Team, the vessel’s officers and
crew, the shore personnel, the repair
shipyard and the external partners and
vendors. Communication, flexibility,
and a shared sense of responsibility
and urgency are essential to deliver-
ing projects successfully, on time and
within budget.
Some of the key challenges in dry docking • The “MINERVA IRIS” team worked • Flexibility and adaptability: No two dry
projects include: tirelessly to achieve an ABS Condition docking projects are identical, and
• Accurately assessing the required re- Assessment Programme (CAP) Rating challenges often arise that require im-
pairs based on technical knowledge, of 1, completing necessary cosmetic mediate problem-solving. Having an
feedback, and inspections. repairs and restoring the vessel ex- agile mindset allowed us to overcome
• Procuring spare parts on time. actly a week after the completion of obstacles and ensure that our vessels
• Managing resources efficiently and its repair. were fully operational after docking.
adhering strictly to the repair plan. Since I did not participate in every dry dock- • Efficient time management: Time is
• Ensuring safety and compliance ing project, I cannot definitively identify the always of the essence when it comes
throughout the repair process. most challenging one. However, I can high- to dry docking. Our teams have be-
• Effective communication and collabo- light one task during the “Minerva Joy” dry come experts at balancing the need
ration between the vessel’s crew, the docking, which posed the greatest difficul- for thorough inspections and repairs
Dry Docking team, and the office staff. ties for me personally in terms of planning, with the need to minimise downtime.
Despite shared challenges, each vessel – assessment, and execution. The vessel’s The goal is to ensure that vessels are
even among sister ships – has unique char- main machinery cooling system is an open- out of dry dock for as short a period as
acteristics that present additional difficulties. loop seawater system, unlike most designs possible without compromising safety
Reflecting on the Group B dry docks, several with a closed freshwater system cooled by or quality. Effective scheduling and
challenges stand out: seawater coolers. To carry out the necessary resource allocation have been crucial
• The “MINERVA ZOE” was acquired repairs, alternate cooling methods had to be in achieving this goal.
by Minerva in 2024 and underwent arranged for the equipment still in use. The The successful completion of 27 dry dock-
dry docking shortly after acquisition, seawater system was thoroughly inspected ing projects in 2024 reflects the hard work,
requiring rapid familiarisation and by dismantling, with the pipes being mea- expertise, and commitment of Minerva’s
preparation. sured, fabricated, and replaced. This task team. These projects not only demonstrate
• “MINERVA LISA’s” cargo tanks need- was critical and could only be completed to our capacity to maintain and improve our
ed thorough washing and cleaning to that extent during dry docking. However, it fleet but also highlight our commitment to
meet the gas-free state required for became more complicated by the simultane- operational excellence.
dry dock entry, due to the nature of ous overhauls of the main engine and other The challenges we faced and the lessons we
her last cargo. machinery, as well as the retrofit installation learned throughout the year provide a solid
• “MINERVA PACIFICA’s” ballast tank of a ballast treatment system taking place foundation for future dry docking projects. As
coating maintenance required sub- concurrently in the same space. we move into 2025, Minerva remains focused
stantial manpower, careful planning, Challenges are inevitable in dry docking, but on maintaining the highest standards of safety,
and detailed logistics. our response defines the project’s success. efficiency, and environmental responsibility.
• “MINERVA XANTHE’s” propeller was Quick, decisive action is key to maintaining We are proud of our achievements in 2024
serviced by a specialist external part- progress, especially when things don’t go and look forward to the opportunities and chal-
ner within a very tight timeframe, un- as planned. lenges the future holds for our fleet and team.
der challenging conditions. As with any large-scale operation, there By sharing these experiences and insights,
• During the “MINERVA LIBRA” dry are always lessons to be learned. Here are we aim to contribute to Minerva Marine’s on-
docking, one of her auxiliary boilers several key takeaways from the dry docking going success and foster a culture of contin-
presented a sudden defect, which projects completed in 2024: uous improvement throughout the company.
was quickly resolved without caus- • Thorough planning and risk man- Let’s continue to learn, adapt, and achieve
ing delays. agement: One of the most important even greater success in the years ahead.
12 ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024