Page 12 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 12

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                  27 Dry docking projects | Behind the scenes

          Behind the scenes of the

          27 dry docking projects

          Superintendent Engineers and representatives of the Dry Docking team
          from all Groups of the Minerva fleet, present the projects, the main
          challenges, the most significant lessons learned and everything that
          is useful to share with their Minerva colleagues.

          Effective teamwork                                   In 2024, Minerva Marine successfully completed 27 planned dry
                                                               dock repairs, with Group B handling 10 of them. The Group B vessels
          is essential                                         ranged from 5 to 20 years old, with their repairs requiring meticulous
                                                               planning and technical expertise.
          for successful                                       According to regulations, tankers under 15 years old must undergo
                                                               dry docking every five years, while those older than 15 must dry dock
          project execution                                    twice in five years, with an interval of 2 to 3 years in between repairs.
                                                               As a Superintendent Engineer, I would like to share my thoughts on
                                                               the subject. Introducing myself, I am Konstantinos Moutzouris and I
                                                               have been with Minerva Marine since July 2022. My responsibilities
                                                               include overseeing the technical operations of five tankers, managing
                                                               both planned and unplanned maintenance, troubleshooting, budget
                                                               management, spares, dry dock and project planning and execution. I
                                                               hold a degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from NTUA
                                                               and bring 12 years of experience in the maritime industry, including man-
                                                               aging newbuilding sites, dry docking repairs, and retrofit projects such
                                                               as ballast treatment plants, scrubbers, and bow thruster installations.
                                                               Preparation for dry docking starts well in advance, with the Master,
                                                               Chief Engineer, and Chief Officer providing feedback on necessary
                                                               repairs. This involves coordination across several departments,
                                                               including the Technical, Marine, Dry dock, and Purchasing ones, to
                                                               ensure that all needs have been identified and spare parts are sourced
                                                               in time, given that many of them have long lead times. Pre-drydock
          by Konstantinos Moutzouris,                          inspections, such as ultrasonic thickness measurements, coating
          Superintendent Engineer -                            checks, and machinery assessments, are conducted to identify any
          Fleet B,                                             necessary repairs.
          Minerva Marine Inc.                                  When the vessel arrives at the shipyard, an initial meeting is held
                                                               with the shipyard team to define the scope of work. Major tasks,
                                                               such as tank coating and main engine overhauls, are prioritised.
                                                               The shipyard coordinates logistics and manpower to ensure timely
                                                               repairs. Special considerations, such as tasks that can only be done
          In 2024, Minerva Marine                              during dry docking, are factored into the schedule to minimise delays.
                                                               Daily meetings between the Dry Docking Team, the Ship’s Officers,
          successfully completed 27                            and the Shipyard’s Production and Safety Teams ensure progress is
          planned dry dock repairs,                            tracked and safety is maintained. Many repairs require close coop-
          with Group B handling 10                             eration between the shipyard staff and the vessel’s crew, who may
                                                               assist with specific tasks, planned carefully to avoid disruptions.
          of them. The Group B vessels                         Unexpected issues often arise during dry docking, demanding quick
          ranged from 5 to 20 years old,                       problem-solving. The most critical phases are the ones with tight
          with their repairs requiring                         deadlines, i.e. when the vessel is out of the water and when the
          meticulous planning and                              repairs are nearing completion. Effective teamwork among the Dry
                                                               Docking Team, the crew, and the office staff is essential for a suc-
          technical expertise.                                 cessful project execution.

          10                                                                                ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024
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