Page 38 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
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to expanding our capabilities by stepping
     MARINE TECHNOLOGY                                                           introducing high-speed laser cladding. Over
                                                                                 into an even higher capacity of lasers and
                                                                                 the years, we have accumulated a wealth of
                                                                                 experience in hydraulic rod repairs using
                                                                                 both chrome plating and laser cladding and
                                                                                 can measure and appreciate the differences;
                                                                                 this is why we are eager to test our new toys
                                                                                 and see what they can do. Expectations are
                                                                                 high, so I will keep you posted!

                                                                                            Scan the QR code to find
                                                                                            out more about our laser
                                                                                            cladding capabilities

           Picture 3: Chrome plating as a toxic material has a heavy environmental
           Alternative repair solution: laser cladding  implemented are bringing costs down to
              Laser cladding advantages at a glance:  the same or sometimes lower compared
              •   Environmentally friendly    to  chrome  plating.  Industrial  lasers  can
              •   Fast delivery times         now have capacities of more than 10KW at
              •   Accuracy                    reasonable costs, making them faster, while
              •   Overall performance         EHLA (high-speed laser cladding) is making
              •   Reduces overall costs       its way into commercial applications with an
           Laser cladding, a technology whose indus-  impressive performance on time and mate-
           trial use began in the previous decade, is   rial usage.
           now emerging as the best alternative to   At INJEGOV, we have long seen the trend
           chrome plating for hydraulic cylinder rods as   shifting toward laser cladding instead of
           well as other components. That is because   chrome plating. So, we have invested in a
           laser cladding solves many of the problems   versatile laser cladding machine allowing
           mentioned above. Firstly, it is a much more   us to process parts of various sizes. Seeing
           environmentally friendly process. Moreover,   the  benefits  firsthand  and  taking  positive   Picture 5: Reconditioned Hydraulic Cylinder
           since  it  is  essentially  welding,  it  creates  a   feedback from our clients, we now move on
           full metallurgical bond between coating
           and base material. That prevents peeling off
           and offers high resistance to impact. Laser
           cladding technology allows us to apply thin
           or thick coatings depending on the require-
           ments, which, combined with the absence of
           microcracking, offers high corrosion resist-
           ance and prevents oxidization. Nowadays,
           there is a large variety of coating powders
           to suit each application’s requirements. Of
           course, as laser cladding is a highly auto-
           mated process, it ensures high quality, much
           faster delivery times, and fewer limitations
           in the size of parts to be coated. Big thick-
           ness,  fast  delivery,  and  automation  make
           laser cladding an ideal repair solution for
           hydraulic cylinder piston rods.
           Initially, as a new technology, laser cladding
           had the disadvantage of a relatively higher
           cost compared to chrome plating, although
           overall better in all aspects. As laser technol-
           ogy reaches maturity, the new technologies   Picture 4: Reconditioning with laser cladding

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