Page 40 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 40
Famous recipes
from different
Greek Chickpea Soup
with Lemon & Oregano
What is Revithosoupa? Got Leftovers? Make Some
This nutritious soup needs only a handful
of ingredients to put together and can be This Greek chickpea soup is made with
made either in an instant pot or an ordi- the same ingredients used to make
nary cooking pot on the stovetop. hummus (except the oregano), so you
First and foremost, Greeks always use can blend any leftovers, along with some
dried chickpeas because they are healthi- tahini, a bit of extra lemon, and a clove
er and more nutritious than canned ones. of raw garlic to quickly turn them into a
The truth is they require a lot of cooking delicious hummus. For every 250 grams of
time and some overnight soaking. Espe- chickpeas, add 60 ml of tahini.
cially if the variety or batch is not that
good, making them on the stovetop may
by Fotini Gazi take up to 3 hours. In most cases, 20
Real Greek Recipes minutes of pressure cooking is enough to soften chickpeas to perfection.
40 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022