Page 21 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 21

A Brief Timeline of ATHINA Training Centre

        The most significant milestones of ATHINA Maritime Learning and Development Centre,

        from its establishment in 2018 to this day.

        2018                                                                  2019

        FEBRUARY                           JUNE                               JANUARY
        Legal establishment of ATHINA      The signing of contracts for marine   Delivery and installation of marine
                                           simulators                         simulators
        The  ATHINA  Maritime Learning and  Devel-
        opment Center is legally established on 16   The ΑΤΗΙΝΑ Center signs contracts with   On 27 January 2019, around 8 tons of marine
        February 2018 in Athens, Greece, named   Kongsberg and Transas for the purchase and   simulator equipment components were
        after Mrs. Athina “Nounou” Martinos. Since   installation of a number of marine simula-  delivered to ATHINA by Norway and Ireland.
        then, its primary objective has been to assist   tors, specifically Full-Mission Ship Handling,   The first piece, which was placed on the
        Minerva’s seagoing personnel in developing   Cargo Handling/Management, and Engine   first floor of the building, was the steering
        their knowledge, skills, and competence, thus   Room Simulators, including ECDIS Simulators.   control console of the full-mission bridge
        ensuring the safety and excellence of the   The idea was to have a Total Simulated Ship   simulator. The personnel of D.K. Fotinakis
        company’s marine operations.       whose appearance, function, and perfor-  Ship Repairs offered valuable assistance in
        •   Mr. Andreas A. Martinos coined the motto   mance are as realistic as possible. Every   safely transferring the equipment.
           “Where Seafarers Always Come First” to   piece of simulation equipment was to have
           express respect and recognition to all Min-  the same functionality, accuracy, reaction
           erva Marine’s seafarers for their diachronic   time, etc., as actual ship equipment.
           contribution to the sustainable progress of
           the company.                    AUGUST
                                           Kalymnos Seminar on MAN B&W ME
        The renovation of the ATHINA building  One of the first ATHINA seminars takes place
                                           in Kalymnos and is attended by 22 engineer
        In  April  2018,  extensive renovation  work   officers and cadets.
        begins on the ATHINA building to transform
        it into a state-of-the-art training center. The   SEPTEMBER
        plans cover a space of approximately 1,500   ATHINA’s training team at the Warsash
        square meters that will house a complex of   Maritime Academy
        full-mission marine simulators, classrooms,                           MARCH
        two laboratories/workshops (Ship Safety   Prospective ATHINA trainers, active masters,   Site Acceptance Testing and “training
        and Electromechanical Labs), a data center,   and chief engineers from Minerva Marine’s   the trainers”
        a lounge, and various other ancillary spaces.  tanker fleet receive their first ‘Train the
                                           Trainer’ training at Warsash Naval Academy   After spending more than a month installing
                                           (Solent University).               the marine simulators donated by Kongsberg
                                                                              and Transas, the Site Acceptance Testing was
                                                                              completed at the end of March.

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