Page 20 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 20

SIRE 2.0 REDESIGNING TANKER INSPECTIONS  The Key Differences with SIRE 1.0  •   The  inspector is able to  take  photo-

           Vessel  inspections  through  the  SIRE
                                              The SIRE 2.0 inspection process has shifted
           programme are a crucial part of the vet-
                                              from an inspection regime purely focusing
                                                                                    graphs of observed conditions related
           ting process that has effectively become
                                              on equipment and procedures to a more
                                                                                    to equipment/machinery and the ves-
           every tanker owner’s ticket to trade.
                                              human factor-orientated process. SIRE 2.0
                                                                                    sel’s deck condition.
           The program has been overhauled, and
                                              will now focus primarily on the vessel’s
                                                                                    The Operator has to upload a set of
           in October 2022, SIRE 2.0 will be rolled
                                                                                    photographs to the OCIMF database
                                              crew to assess the effective management
           out after a complete revision of the in-
           spection process. The new SIRE 2.0 re-
                                                                                    tor  will  have  to  verify  that  they  are
                                              crew’s familiarity with the tasks they per-
           gime will run parallel with the existing
                                                                                    representative of the  vessel’s  actual
                                              form, and the Company’s procedures. The
           SIRE VIQ7 for the 6-month period until
                                              SIRE 2.0 process will start from the office,
           full implementation in April 2023.   of defects, the onboard procedures, the   •   prior to the inspection. The inspec-
                                              with the majority of information being
                                                                                    Negative observations from the previ-
                                              sent to the inspector before he boards the   ous inspection will be carried forward
                                              vessel, thus allowing more time onboard   in order for the inspector to verify that
           It must be noted that Minerva Marine has   throughout the 8-hour time frame to carry   they have been resolved.
           played a vital role in both the development   out inspections and interviews of the crew.
           and testing of the new regime, as well as                             During the trial inspections, the Inspectors
           providing essential feedback to OCIMF                                 had extensive interviews with the majority
           throughout the process.                                               of the crew members related to the Compa-
                                                                                 ny’s Procedures (Enclosed Space Entry, Hot
           Minerva Marine was proposed by TOTAL En-                              Work, Work aloft permit, etc.) and the op-
           ergies to take part in the pilot scheme and   “                       eration of equipment & machinery. OCIMF
           is one of only seven tanker Management   You never get a second chance   is including human factors considerations
           Companies in the world to take part in trial                          as a core element of the updated SIRE 2.0
           SIRE 2.0 inspections.               to make a first impression.       programme, stating, “people are the most
                                                                                 vital part of making a vessel work.”
           Minerva Marine has an active industry par-
           ticipation with the INTERTANKO Chairman of                    ”       A key part of the SIRE 2.0 process is that the
           the Vetting Committee, Stefanos Stylianos                             Master has to provide a list of all open de-
           – DPA HSQ & Marine Manager of Minerva                                 fects during the opening meeting. SIRE 2.0
           being in close communication with OCIMF                               requires that all defects existing onboard at
           throughout the development and testing   The main changes that have been intro-  the time of inspection, except sudden fail-
           phases of the programme holding work-  duced under the SIRE 2.0 programme are   ures on the day of inspection, be included
           shops and feedback sessions with OCIMF   the following:               in the list of open defect reports. Multiple
           until the roll-out of SIRE 2.0.                                       negative observations will be raised when
                                              •   The inspection will be conducted using   the inspector detects a defect to structure
           Minerva Marine, being in a unique position   a dedicated GPS enabled Ex-proof Tab-  or machinery/equipment that has not been
           to  gain  hands-on  experience,  has  carried   let for real-time recording of observa-  entered in the defect reporting system!
           out four (4) trial SIRE 2.0 inspections to   tions and monitoring the inspection
           date onboard Minerva Leo & Minerva Tychi   progress.                  SIRE 2.0 reduces the overall number of
           with TOTAL Energies.               •   A unique, ship-specific set of ques-  questions assigned to the inspection
                                                 tions will be assigned for each ves-  to about 100 instead of the approx. 300
                                                 sel inspection, which will be called   questions (with the current VIQ7). In that
                                                 CVIQ  (Compiled  Vessel  Inspection   way, the inspector will have more time to
                                                 Questionnaire).                 examine the hardware and process and
                                              •   The observation declaration/list will   human-related aspects of each question
                                                 include both Positive & Negative ob-  since the total time spent onboard is the
                                                 servations. SIRE 2.0 allows for multiple   same as with the current SIRE.
                                                 negative observations under the same
                                                 question (on the Hardware/Process/  It goes without saying that first impres-
                                                 Human response tool).           sions remain absolutely essential with
                                              •   All changes to observations are record-  the SIRE 2.0 regime; therefore, a clean and
                                                 ed by the Tablet’s software; therefore,   well-maintained vessel will provide the in-
                                                 the deletion of a negative observation   spector with a good first impression of the
                                                 can be tracked down by the Submitting   vessel and will show that people onboard
           by George Koutoulakis                 Company (i.e., the Oil Major conducting   and in the Company take pride in the ves-
           Vetting Officer - HSQ & Marine Department  the inspection).           sel’s and crew’s appearance.
           Minerva Marine Inc.

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