Page 18 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 18

SIRE 2.0 REDESIGNING TANKER INSPECTIONS  Enhanced Human Factors Focus       “

           Through SIRE 2.0

           One way in which OCIMF aims to improve
                                              inspection, there is also an opportunity for
           safety and environmental protection in
                                              the Vessel Operator to post a response on
           the maritime industry is by considering
                                              why the conditions exist (e.g., unaware of
                                                                                 To ensure that human factors are
           human factors when providing guidance
                                              changed approach, time constraints, fatigue).
           and recommendations.
                                                                                 agement and operation of a vessel,
                                              Inspector, Crew Members, and Vessel Op-
           This human-centred approach looks at the
                                              erator through the course of the inspection
           physical, psychological, and social factors that
                                              will ensure that seafarers benefit from safely  OCIMF is including human factors
           affect human interaction with equipment,   The increased engagement between the  always accounted for in the man-
           processes, and other people in order to iden-  highlighting difficult, error-prone work and   considerations as a core element
           tify  and  minimise  potential  risks.  Crucially,   receiving positive feedback for work well done.
           it recognises that human error, actions, and                          of the updated Ship Inspection
           decisions are often the result of the way the                         Report Programme (SIRE 2.0).
           workplace is set up, how work, equipment,  The outcome of the Human
           and safeguards are designed, and how leaders  Factors Focus
           influence the work culture.                                                                     ”
                                              This is a significant change to the inspection
           To ensure that human factors are always ac-  regime, which will provide a defined process
           counted for in the management and operation   for uncovering the systemic issues which might   A full Human Factors training programme will
           of a vessel, OCIMF is including human factors   lead  to  a  critical  activity  not  protecting  the   be included in the Inspectors’ SIRE 2.0 training.
           considerations as a core element of the   ship. Importantly, this new approach will open
           updated Ship Inspection Report Programme   a dialogue to ensure issues are addressed   Programme Recipients and Submitting Com-
           (SIRE 2.0), which is due for delivery in 2022.  and the tools for demonstrating the quality of   panies will also receive familiarisation training
                                              measures are in place to support human per-  and documentation to ensure they can meet
                                              formance. This requires a culture of openness,   the expectations and criteria. More informa-
           Human Factors in Vessel Inspections   transparency, and cooperation, which OCIMF   tion will be provided in due course.
                                              seeks to bolster through the updated and en-  It is important to stress that while OCIMF de-
           SIRE 2.0 vessel inspections will inform Vessel   hanced vessel inspection programme.  velops SIRE 2.0, the existing SIRE programme
           Operators, Charterers, and Crew if a ships’                           will continue to be supported and improved,
           protective systems are effective and to what   Equipping Inspectors with the knowledge,   ensuring SIRE incorporates the latest industry
           extent  the  critical  human  activities  those   tools, and capabilities to accurately assess   standards, best practices, and regulations.
           protective systems rely on are sufficient. Pro-  and report on human factor-related issues is
           cesses, policies, and procedures built into the   key to achieving this ambition. Inspectors will   For more information about SIRE 2.0, visit the
           inspection regime will assess human factors   be given comprehensive support and training   link:
           issues by reporting performance relating   through OCIMF to identify, assess, and commu-
           to human factors in the Vessel Inspection   nicate human factors-related issues correctly.   Source: OCIMF
           Questionnaire (VIQ) completed by Inspectors
           during an inspection.

           For each VIQ question with a human factor
           perspective, Inspectors will be prompted to
           provide objective responses to any obser-
           vations. The assessment criteria will provide
           the opportunity to positively recognise when
           important tasks are carried out effectively. An
           observation will be made when a task is not
           effectively carried out. When making an ob-                                                                         RINA.
           servation, the tablet will auto-open an editor
           that allows the recording of the finding.
           The tablet-based finding categorisation tool
           allows Inspectors to record the apparent                                                                            Behind
           context underlying tasks or duties that are not
           effective (e.g., equipment issues, task design,
           familiarity, nervousness, etc.). Following the                                                                      Excellence.

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