Page 17 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 17

SIRE 2.0: A new vessel

           inspection regime

           Although currently under develop-
           ment, the new vessel inspection re-                                 “
           gime, SIRE 2.0, will more accurately
           report on the quality of a vessel and                               Instead of a static question-
           its crew (on an ongoing basis) and                                  naire with yes/no answers,
           indicate likely future performance,
           using enhanced tools, strengthened                                  SIRE 2.0 inspections will be
           governance processes, and more in-                                  conducted in digital format,
           depth reporting outcomes, following a
           risk-based approach.                                                in real time, with inspectors
                                                                               completing a CVIQ using a
           The new SIRE 2.0 regime is expected to
                                                                               tablet device.
           become operational in Q4 2022. Until then,
           the current SIRE programme will continue
           to be updated and improved to incorpo-
           rate the latest standards, best practices,                                                    ”
           and regulations.

           The implementation of SIRE 2.0 introduced   move to a digital solution means that   as  declared by  the  vessel operator
           the  following  changes  to  the  Vessel  In-  every tanker inspection will be bespoke,   through the PIQ
           spection programme:               with questions drawn from a large ‘SIRE   •   Pre-determined risk-ranking of the
                                             2.0 Question Library’ using an algorithm   questions resulting in the following
           1.   The variant concept has been discon-  to select questions based on the type   categorisations:  Core: Assigned to
               tinued and replaced by the tagging   of  vessel, its outfitting, and operational   every inspection, Rotational: A non-
               of all questions to ensure that each   history to create a one-time CVIQ for the   core question assigned to a vessel
               question is considered for inclusion   SIRE Inspector to complete.  on an occasional basis, Campaign: An
               in an inspection based on:                                         existing rotational question assigned
                  •   Vessel type            As vessel owners, operators, managers,   to every inspection for a fixed period
                  •   Vessel outfitting      crew, inspectors, or recipients of the   in response to an incident or industry
                  •   Information   provided  SIRE  2.0  inspection  reports  will  not  be   trend. Where no suitable rotational
                      through the HVPQ and PIQ  able to predict the inspection questions   question exists, a new question will be
                  •   Information   provided  in advance, they should be prepared to   developed for inclusion in the SIRE 2.0
                      through  the  inspection  respond to all questions within the SIRE   Question Library at the next revision
                      booking process        2.0 Question Library applicable to a par-  •   Notional time assigned to each ques-
           2.   A unique, vessel-specific CVIQ is com-  ticular vessel. Further, every question will   tion to allow it to be addressed in line
               piled for each inspection selected   require the Inspector to give a response   with  the  supporting  guidance  and
               from the SIRE Question Library.  in relation to Hardware, Processes, and   inspector training
                                             Human Factors, and observations can   •   Time in an inspection area: A vessel has
           Details of notional times and question   be supported with photographs, where   been divided into defined inspection
           allocation to inspection areas will not be   allowed, and documentary evidence.   areas, with each area allotted a notion-
           published as these parameters will be for   This more robust regime, OCIMF deter-  al inspection timing and each question
           internal OCIMF use only.          mines, requires absolute adherence to   allocated to an inspection area
                                             best practice and should, by extension,   •   Time for the complete inspection:
                                             tangibly improve vessel safety and envi-  The overall inspection time is pre-de-
           Towards a digitalised vessel      ronmental performance.               termined and equals the sum of the
           inspection regime                                                      notional times for all the allocated
                                             The vessel-specific CVIQ that will be com-  questions
           Instead  of  a static  questionnaire  with   piled for each inspection will be selected
           yes/no answers, SIRE 2.0 inspections   from the SIRE Question Library, based on   For more inform
           will be conducted in digital format, in   the following criteria:   ation about SIRE 2.0, visit the link:
           real time, with inspectors completing a   •   Question applicability to the vessel to
           Compiled Vessel Inspection  Question-  be inspected
           naire (CVIQ) using a tablet device. The   •   Operational history of the vessel   Source: OCIMF

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