Page 22 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 22

SIRE 2.0 REDESIGNING TANKER INSPECTIONS  Safe and efficient:                a slow-release antifouling  barrier  that   Maximise fuel

           A multi-layered approach

           Hempaguard MaX, Hempel’s innovative
                                              selecting the right coating is essential.
           three-layer system, reduces pollution
                                              Hempel’s  marine  coating,  Hempaguard
                                                                                 prolong a vessel’s fouling-free period.
           and  corrosion,  thus  increasing  perfor-
                                              MaX, has been designed to reduce cor-
           mance and enhancing safety.
                                              mitigate against hull fouling. When marine
                                                                                 the Hempaguard MaX system, the coating
                                                                                 offers a very high fuel-saving potential; it
                                              organisms cling to the hull, they signifi-
           Ocean-going vessels have to prove them-
                                                                                 is also suitable for vessels operating with
                                              cantly affect a vessel’s hydrodynamics and
           selves continuously as safe and fit for   rosion, preserve a ship’s integrity, and   As the final layer of the Hempaguard X8 in   effi ciency with
                                                                                 long service intervals of up to 90 months
                                              drive up fuel costs and emissions.
           purpose to a number of different authori-                             and idle periods of up to 120 days.
           ties. Port state control and flag states are   However, vessels coated with Hempaguard
           empowered to inspect vessels and rate   MaX have recorded a maximum speed   Hempaguard MaX’s antifouling system
           their seaworthiness against international   loss of only 1.2 per cent, irrespective of   makes it ideal for those vessels, such as bulk
           criteria, not forgetting the annual surveys   the trading pattern. Moreover, an impres-  carriers, that spend a significant amount of   Hempel SHAPE
           required for ships to stay in class.  sive out-of-dock performance is achieved   time in warm waters and often operate on
                                              through the synergy between each layer of   the spot market, where time constraints and
           Tankers have another layer of inspections to   the three-coat system, which creates a low   diverted sailings are the norms.
           adhere to in the form of OCIMF’s (Oil Com-  Average Hull Roughness (AHR) for less drag
           panies International Marine Forum) SIRE   and more fuel efficiency at sea. Notably, the   Ship inspections will continue to be par for
           ship inspection programme – soon to be   coating system includes primer and tie coat   the course for shipping. As international
           replaced by SIRE 2.0 by the end of this year.  layers that feature anti-corrosive properties.  regulations tighten control over acceptable
                                                                                 emissions levels, so must operators look to
           These inspection and survey regimes are   One coat of Hempaprime Immerse 900 prim-  their vessels and further scrutinise their
           all designed to keep crew and ships safe   er is applied first instead of two, as is stand-  performance and maintenance regimes.
           and protect the environment, so they will   ard with most maintenance epoxy coats. This
           continue to evolve as ever more stringent   coating offers an extremely low AHR profile
           regulations come into force.       and contributes to bottom-line fuel savings.
                                              A further advantage of this product is that   “
           The industry’s commitment to reducing   it can be applied to all areas that require   The industry’s commitment
           greenhouse gases by at least 50 per cent by   protection, including topsides, making appli-
           2050 compared to 2008 and at least a 40 per   cation management straightforward.  to reducing greenhouse gases
           cent  reduction in international shipping’s                            is affecting how shipowners
           carbon intensity by 2030 relative to 2008 is   Nexus II, which has anti-corrosive capabil-
           affecting how shipowners approach vessel   ities, is applied next as the tie coat layer   approach vessel design, main-
           design, maintenance, and operations.  and again contributes to the AHR profile
           A ship’s steel hull, which represents   of the hull. Finally, a layer of Hempaguard  tenance, and operations
           about 70 per cent of the overall structure,   X8 is applied, providing fouling defence
           is a good place to start when seeking to   based  on  our  patented  Actiguard  tech-
           improve vessel performance; therefore,   nology, which uses hydrogel silicone and

                                                                                                                            ISO 19030 quality digital performance monitoring systems
           by Rameez Ud Din                                                                                                 combined with world class hull coatings.
           Hull Performance Product Manager                                                                                 Discover transparent, cost effective solutions that deliver
                                                                                                                            documented fuel savings, no matter the age, size and operating
           Marine, Hempel A/S
                                                                                                                            patterns of the vessels.
          22  MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 19 / Q1 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019-02-13   13:30:28
                                                                                                                       Typ 154 - SHAPE II - 210x280.indd   1                                                                          2019-02-13   13:30:28
                                                                                                                       Typ 154 - SHAPE II - 210x280.indd   1
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