Page 36 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
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MARINE TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Making the Vessel owners and operators need to know optimization that reduces fuel consump-
that end-to-end digital transformation re-
tion and lowers carbon on current vessels
right choices
quires a phased approach, but the impor-
from available technologies. Step two is
to monitor the fleet to understand how to
tant thing is to make a start. A transition of
this magnitude is not a journey made over-
maintain performance within the market
in maritime
night with immediate return on investment.
or regulatory trajectories through bench-
The typical steps involved are to digitalize
marking and continuous carbon footprint
reduction measures. This will then begin
business processes and then digitize data
onboard and on the shoreside so that the
can and cannot meet the goals of 2030
right information can be collected at the
and beyond and shape decisions about
right frequency and quality, and then, with
their place in the fleet.
the insights derived through analytics, to to inform decisions about which vessels SETTING THE COURSE TO
manage day-to-day operations.
Let’s be clear at the outset; digitaliza- The third step is to understand the options
tion may appear to be daunting, but This can deliver marginal benefits that in terms of alternative fuels, i.e., which PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABLE SHIPPING
there are practical and smart ways to create short-term efficiencies and enable one is preferable for the types of vessels
go about it. It requires commitment and vessel management to be more proactive. owned or operated, and whether this is a
investment, and while it is not a short With a steady stream of good quality data, transition fuel or a long-term option.
process, some tangible results can be more advanced analytics can be applied Rather than treat digitalization as being
achieved relatively quickly that could to give you more recommendations that all about competition, we look to start-
make a difference to your business. can help reduce fuel consumption, lower ups and established industry players to
carbon emissions, navigate routes safely, see what value they could bring to the
predict equipment health and take de- table. Where they can bring forward in-
cisions proactively. For example, proven novation, there’s no need to reinvent the
outcomes from initiatives such as voyage wheel; instead, we can partner with them
optimization include 5-8% of fuel savings to integrate information into our ABS My
per voyage and associated carbon footprint Digital FleetTM platform to drive better
reduction, which is a good stride towards insights. Given the challenging needs of
achieving decarbonization goals. the industry, success is going to be a team
sport driven by collaboration.
Pilot projects are a critical first step in ABS My Digital FleetTM is a customizable
the pursuit of meaningful returns. As new risk management platform that integrates
technologies are adopted – as in any other vessel data (e.g., noon reports and sen-
industry that is coming up with new, inno- sors), enterprise information systems (e.g.,
vative capabilities – a pilot implementa- ERP, voyage management, and passage
tion on one or two vessels is key. If oper- planning), and third-party data sourc-
ators are able to reap the benefits from es (e.g., AIS, weather) to achieve more
that initial investment, it makes sense sustainable operations while reducing
to increase the commitment to scale up operational risks. Our current alliances
across the fleet. that integrate with the platform include,
among others, Veson Nautical, Sofar
As is clear, the near-term priority is to gain Ocean, Kongsberg Digital, AVEVA, Control
operational efficiencies through voyage Risks, and Meteomatics.
by Mr. Smarty Mathew John
Vice President
Digital Solutions,