Page 38 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 38

MARINE TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION  Insight-sharing and action critical to improving

           performance and protecting the environment

                                                                                                                                                                              JOIN THE
           Better performance management and
           in-water cleaning can improve vessel
                                                                                 gestions for shipping companies to succeed
                                              monitoring, and in-water cleaning stand-
           energy  efficiency  and  protect  the  en-  antifouling coatings, better performance   When given a choice to list their own sug-  REVHULLUTION
                                              ards is on the rise and likely to continue
                                                                                 in CII matters, a wide range of ideas and
           vironment. But no one solution fits all,   as ship operators push to achieve perfor-  opinions were submitted. Not surprisingly,
           and experts argue that industry stake-  mance improvements and meet the up-  many of these were related to obtaining
           holders, including regulators, port au-  coming environmental regulations.”   more accurate data and doing so at high
           thorities, ship operators, and technol-                               frequencies. Regular grooming and cleaning
           ogy providers, must be involved, share   “At the same time, however, many new   also featured high. Although perhaps not the                          Jotun Hull Skating Solutions
           insights, and take action if the benefits   innovations and solutions are coming into   most attractive option for ship operators,
           are to feed through.               the market, and there is a need to share   sailing half empty and at reduced speed was               Always clean hull – For the most challenging operations
                                              knowledge, insights, and act collectively to   also mentioned.
                                              address the global biofouling issue. And that
           The build-up of biofouling on ships’ hulls   is why we meet annually for in-depth, tech-  No one solution that fits all
           is an age-old problem for ship operators   nical talks about developments and the next
           and the shipping industry. Severe under-  steps to improve methods, measurements,   “At a time when market pressures and regu-
           water biofouling slows the affected  ship   analysis, and actions further,” he added.  latory developments are forcing the maritime
           and can increase its fuel consumption by                              industry to focus more on energy efficiency
           as much as 40%, boosting already high CO₂   Four challenges           and meeting environmental requirements,
           emissions.                                                            there are  opportunities  and  challenges  in
                                              During the conference, attendees were   choosing the ‘right’ technologies and solutions
           And  biofouling  does  not  only  slow  ships   asked to rank in order of difficulty four chal-  to measure and improve hull performance
           down. The accumulation of marine life may   lenges shipping companies face with regard   management,” said Stein Kjølberg (Jotun) and
           cause the spread of invasive aquatic spe-  to improving hull performance. Inaccurate   added, “There is certainly no one solution that
           cies in environments they are transported   measurements and analytics were  at  the   fits all – the feedback from the industry bears
           to, affecting biodiversity, ecosystem health,   top of the list, followed by CII compliance. In   witness to this. Yet, it is often acknowledged
           and the livelihoods of coastal communities   the third position, and perhaps something   that verifying hull performance and gathering
           across the globe. It is something that reg-  that will need to be urgently addressed if   quality data can help operators achieve better
           ulators, port authorities, and conservation   decarbonization is to be achieved, was the   performance management and meet regula-
           bodies are increasingly concerned about.  lack of proven retrofit measures. EEXI com-  tory and other stakeholder requirements. The
                                              pliance trailed in the fourth position, but it   discussion often boils down to performance
                                              was notable that those putting this as their   management – yes, but how?”
           Complex topics                     primary challenge also listed the lack of ret-
                                              rofit measures high on the list.   “Clearly, insight-sharing and action are critical
           So, it is little surprise that an increasing                          to improving performance and protecting the
           number of operators are seeking new                                   environment. But all stakeholders must be in-
           technologies and solutions to address bio-                            volved if the benefits are to feed through, and
           fouling and improve hull efficiency. But ship                         that is why we, together with the supporting              The HullSkater is a revolutionary onboard solution specially developed for
           challenge for operators and the industry.    “                        and PortPIC conferences,” concluded Kjølberg.     proactive cleaning. Together with the premium antifouling SeaQuantum Skate, Jotun Hull
           antifouling and hull performance manage-
                                                                                 sponsors, are organizing the annual HullPIC
           ment are complex topics. Millions of dollars
                                                                                                                                     Skating Solutions will maintain a clean hull, even in the most challenging operations.
           are being spent researching and developing
                                              Verifying hull performance and
           new solutions, but it remains a constant
                                              gathering quality data can
           Geir Axel Oftedahl, Breakthrough Innova-  help operators achieve better                                                       Operational needs arising from a dynamic market in combination with challenging environmental conditions
           tions Director at Jotun Performance Coat-                                                                                   increase the risk of fouling. The end-result being increased fuel cost and Green House Gas emissions. To combat
           ings, said in the lead up to the combined  performance management and                                                       fouling, Jotun Hull Skating Solutions is engineered to keep the hull fouling-free at all times. This groundbreaking
                                              meet  regulatory and other
           HullPIC and PortPIC conference, “While                                                                                             approach is now in the final verification stage, in collaboration with leading industry partners.
           biofouling  remains a huge challenge,  the
           good news is the adoption of advanced  stakeholder requirementse
           by Jotun Maritime Insider

          38  MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 19 / Q1 2022
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