Page 41 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 41
Master must be in constant communication
with the other officers and, at the same
time, with the office on land.
Can you describe your most happy
moment while onboard?
It is hard to single out one happy moment
on the ship because every day and every
moment is entirely different from the
previous or the next. I do not know what
to remember first. On an individual level,
I would mention the moment I assumed
my first Captaincy, my first mooring and
anchoring, my first successful inspection,
and some positive comments from ter-
minal representatives or the company
ashore. At a collective level, I would also
single out something similar. Like the time
you transfer a bonus to the crew after a
successful inspection or gathering on Sat- passed frequent inspections, which were dream and do not let anything stop you.
urdays to watch movies or chat, and our all successful; we finally took this wonder- Every challenge marks a new path that will
moments of relaxation. ful 17-year-old ship to dry-dock in Qatar take you closer to realizing a dream, which
under weather conditions that were in- may be more difficult but is definitely
credibly warm and unfamiliar to us. While more exciting and unique.
What was the most challenging at sea, we became an extremely close-knit
situation you have faced while family, sharing unforgettable moments of
onboard, and how did you manage joy, success, and excitement. To this day,
to handle it? we all keep in touch and remember that
time with fondness. Since the beginning of
I will not forget serving on the tanker my career, as an individual and a Master, I
AMALTHEA from 2019 to 2020 when the have always been honest with every crew
entire crew remained on board for almost member. I never try to hide or change the
one year - and some members even longer meaning of anything. I introduce myself
- due to the difficulties caused by the out- to my new team, explain my goals, and
break of the covid-19 pandemic. During always leave room for different opinions
that time, the ship had been engaged in and new ideas. The key is to touch a per-
very demanding short voyages in Asia, and son’s heart and communicate with them
we also encountered quite difficult weath- to make them feel comfortable. Maybe
er in Northern Europe. Additionally, we a day will come when a crew member
performs at 40% of his ability. If you are
honest and trust them, they will give 120%
“ the next day without asking for something
in return. Of course, we should remember
that a ship is a small society but with peo-
We should remember that a ship
ple of many nationalities. Therefore, there
is a small society but with people
place, which everyone must respect and
of many nationalities. Therefore, must be specific rules and regulations in
honor to ensure that company policy is
there must be specific rules followed, thus enhancing safety and the
and regulations in place, which entire crew’s well-being.
everyone must respect and honor
to ensure that company policy is What advice would you give to your
25-year-old self?
followed, thus enhancing safety
and the entire crew’s well-being. Nothing in life is given to us easily. It is
” rience and knowledge. Through the diffi-
the journey that matters and offers expe-
culties, we gain recognition and a sense
of accomplishment. Therefore, chase your
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