Page 34 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 34

MINERVA GAS  LNGC Minerva Limnos

           Taking the management in-house

           On the 23rd of February 2022, at the   Management of Change process, including   Carrier Minerva Amorgos, which is expected to
           Port of Corpus Christi, USA, our LNG   a  comprehensive  list  of  measures with   be delivered in October 2022, is scheduled to
           Carrier  Minerva  Limnos  was  the  first   specific timelines and responsibilities set   enter under Minerva Gas management directly.
           vessel to come officially under the full   out in eight (8) of Action Plans:
           management of Minerva Gas.                                            Last but not least, the Company wants to
                                              1. Crewing                         warmly congratulate all the involved seagoing
           Taking the management of all the LNG fleet   2. Shore Personnel       and shore personnel for this achievement,
           Carriers in-house has been the Company’s   3. SMS Development & implementation   which is the result of a comprehensive and
           first priority since its establishment in 2018,   4. ISM Certification   detailed Management of Change process that
           as in Minerva Gas, we firmly believe that this   5. LNG Majors/Charterers’ acceptance   required proper planning, a lot of hard work,
           is the best way to provide ship management   6. Maintenance & PMS data   close monitoring, and attention to detail.
           services of the highest quality and stand-  7. IT/Software Systems
           ards because:                      8. Ship-specific takeover Checklist.  After all, this is what Minerva Gas aims for: to
                                                                                 be the shipping company of choice, recog-
           •   We care more for our vessels and   The final milestones that enabled Minerva   nized for its people, its performance, and its
               personnel than any other 3rd party   Gas to take the management of the first   business ethos throughout this journey.
               manager.                       vessel in-house were:
           •   We know our vessels better as
               they  have been  built under our   •   The issuance of the full-term DOC for
               supervision.                       Gas Carriers on the 23rd of December
           •   We have established an LNG-experi-  on the 21st of January 2022 “
               enced and competent shore-based   •   The initial TMSA submission in OCIMF   The fact that Minerva Gas has
               team responsible for the LNG Carrier                               been accepted by TotalEnergies,
               fleet operations from “day 1”.
           •   We have employed competent and   The fact that Minerva Gas has been accepted by   the Charterer of Minerva Limnos,
               experienced LNG Officers and have   TotalEnergies, the Charterer of Minerva Limnos,   for long-term LNG business is
               trained our Minerva tanker Officers   for long-term LNG business is worth noting as
               in LNG operations onboard and at the   TotalEnergies is not only a Major LNG Charterer   worth noting as TotalEnergies
               in-house Maritime Training Center   but also an Organization with very demanding
               “ATHINA.”                      and robust vetting/clearance processes.  is not only a Major LNG Char-
                                                                                  terer but also an Organization
           •   We use the Minerva Group robust
               organization/support structure.  At  this  stage,  it  should  be  pointed  out  that
           •   We consider “Taking the management   Minerva Gas will continue its effort to gradu-  with very demanding and robust
               in-house” a client expectation.  ally bring all the fleet vessels under in-house   vetting clearance processes
                                              management, fulfilling its initial set goal. The
           To ensure a smooth and successful   next steps towards achieving this goal focus
           change of management, the Company es-  on the upcoming TMSA audits by ExxonMobil/                ”
           tablished  a  comprehensive  and  detailed   IMT and Shell. At the same time, the new LNG

           by Aliki Kapella
           HSQ & Vetting Officer
           Minerva Gas Inc.

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