Page 44 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 44
Minerva's At Minerva, we recognise that our people resilience to recover quickly and effectively
from challenging situations.
are our greatest asset. Their health, happi-
commitment ness, and wellbeing are at the heart of our To start prioritising mental wellbeing, here
company culture. This is why we empha-
are a few simple tips:
to mental sise mental health awareness and stress • Focus on the present moment:
management in the workplace.
Taking a few minutes to breathe
health and Every year on 10 October, World Mental deeply or stepping away for a short
walk can reduce stress and help
Health Day serves as a global reminder
wellbeing of the importance of mental health. This • clear your mind.
year's theme, set by the World Federation
Prioritise self-care: Small habits
of Mental Health, was “Mental Health at like regular breaks, exercise, and
Work”. The theme highlights the crucial good sleep can make a big differ-
role mental health plays in creating health- ence in managing stress and feel-
ier individuals, stronger organisations, and ing better.
more supportive communities. While stress can be beneficial in small dos-
To support this mission, Minerva organ- es, constant stress can harm health and
ised an insightful session titled “Wellbeing performance, potentially leading to burnout.
at Work & 1-2-1 consultations” for our It is important to recognise the early signs
employees. The session was a suc- of burnout in oneself or colleagues, such
cess, with over 50 colleagues joining the as feeling constantly exhausted, reduced
Athina Training Center, where with the lead performance and productivity, and emo-
of an experienced clinical psychologist tional detachment or negativity about work.
and business consultant we focused on By investing in our wellbeing, we empower
understanding and managing workplace our people to thrive both personally and
stress. We learned how to build mental professionally.
We need Do you have important personal or professional
milestones, photos, news or ideas?
you onboard Please share them at
and we might feature them in one
Minerva in Focus! of our forthcoming issues!
42 ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024