Page 41 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 41

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                                                                   Our People

        Minerva's annual family

        Christmas party: Celebrating
        the holiday season

        The holiday season at Minerva is always   joyous day, complete with live music, a visit
        a time of joy, gratitude, and celebration,   from Santa, and a delicious holiday feast.
        and this year's Christmas party was no ex-  This cherished event highlights our dedica-
        ception. Our annual Christmas party at the   tion to fostering a sense of community and
        Glyfada Golf Club was a festive celebration   gratitude. It was a wonderful opportunity to
        for our seafarers, shore employees, and   come together with our families and cele-
        their families. The beautifully decorated   brate the year's achievements.
        venue provided the perfect backdrop for a

        Spreading holiday cheer:
        Christmas gifts for

        our employees' children

        Our tradition of sending Christmas gifts
        to the children of our shore personnel and
        seafarers continues to bring joy and festive
        spirit. This year, the gift-wrapping process
        was transformed into a fun and engaging
        activity, adding an extra layer of holiday
        cheer to the preparations.
        We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Own-
        ers' family for their thoughtful initiative and
        to Tenia Giannakaki, Head of Office Ser-
        vices, for her exceptional organisation and
        coordination. Their efforts remind us of the
        importance of spreading the Christmas spirit
        and the joy that comes from brightening the
        holiday season for our employees' families.

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