Page 42 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 42

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                                                        Our People

          Building bridges:                              At Minerva, we recognise the importance of
                                                         fostering strong ties between academia and
          Collaborating with                             the maritime industry. Through our strategic
                                                         collaborations with universities, we aim to
          universities to                                inspire and guide the next generation of
                                                         maritime professionals.
          explore maritime                               Our recent initiatives at the Athina Maritime
                                                         Training and Development Center exemplify
          careers                                        this commitment, providing students with
                                                         invaluable insights into the dynamic world
                                                         of shipping and maritime careers.

          University of Patras visit: Electrical and    bench of potential interns and colleagues.
          Computer Engineers                 Big thanks to Mr Stelios Volakis, Training
          On 13 December 2024, together with Athi-  Manager, Nikos Grivas, Technical Manag-
          na Training Center we hosted over 50 stu-  er at Minerva Gas, Kostas Papadodimas,
          dents from the Department of Electrical and   Technical Manager at Minerva Marine &
          Computer Engineering. The visit highlighted   Dry, George Moutafis, Marine Personnel
          the diverse career opportunities for Electri-  Manager at Minerva Gas, Capt. Aristidis
          cal and Computer Engineers in maritime,   Paidousis, Marine Personnel Manager at
          showcasing the roles within our Technical   Minerva Marine, and Dimitris Vafeiadis,
          and IT Departments, Marine Personnel,   Electrical Superintendent at Minerva Gas,
          and HR teams. Students gained a deeper   for their participation and engagement as
          understanding of how their skills can drive   well as Marina Drania, HR Administrator for
          innovation in the industry and we created a   the excellent organisation.

                                                                                National and Kapodistrian University of
                                                                                Athens: Port and Shipping Management
                                                                                students' experience
                                                                                On 11 December 2024, the Athina Training
                                                                                Center hosted over 50 students from the De-
                                                                                partment of Port and Shipping Management,
                                                                                engaging in discussions about energy and
                                                                                environmental issues, the operation of LNG
                                                                                carriers, and the organisational structure of
                                                                                Minerva Marine Inc., Minerva Gas Inc., and
                                                                                Minerva Dry Inc. Their hands-on experience
                                                                                with the bridge, engine room, and control
                                                                                room simulators provided a realistic view of
                                                                                maritime operations and created a bench of
                                                                                potential interns and colleagues.

          University of Piraeus' visit to the
          On  January  2025,  the  “MINERVA
          SYMPHONY” and its dry docking team
          welcomed  onboard  students  from  the
          University of Piraeus. The team explained
          the works that took place during the dry
          docking project that were carried out at
          the Skaramangas Shipyard, answered the
          numerous questions of the students, and
          guided them onboard the ship.

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