Page 9 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 9
Paint your way to CII & EEXI
Hull coating is one of single most effi cient ways With its unique silicone-hydrogel Actiguard
to improve the energy effi ciency of a vessel – technology, you will be able to obtain speed
and one of the simplest and fastest ways to improvements leading to fuel savings of up
improve your CII rating and maintain it for to 20 per cent over the entire 5-year period
years as well as increase the reference speed until next mandatory docking, a very low
for the purpose of EEXI. average speed loss down to 1.2 per cent
and your investment will be paid back in less
The Hempaguard range offers you one of the than a year.
most high-performing hull coating solutions
available on the market. No matter where and how your vessel travels.