Page 14 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 14
SAFETY & SECURITY The Known Unknowns:
Declassification of the Indian Ocean High-Risk Area (HRA)
As the industry is aware, key maritime industry bodies have decided to declassify the High-
Risk Area (HRA) in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) effective from 0001 UTC on January 1st,
2023, as a result of 15+ years of successfully coordinated efforts by the International Com-
munity stakeholders to suppress a variety of regional threats.
This decision, however, primarily takes into armed guards will become prime targets for
account the successful suppression of piracy, attacks that include vessel boarding, hijack-
and not the elimination of piracy as a threat, ing, using the vessel as a weapon, damaging
nor any of the many other regional threats, or sabotaging a vessel/cargo, harming, or
including terrorism, state-on-state tension, killing sailors, and demanding ransom.
geopolitical conflict, and the significant mari- As has been proven, the most successful fac-
time risks they pose. Whether or not this area tor in repressing malicious groups (piracy or
is labeled as an “HRA,” these formally recog- otherwise) is the adoption of effective secu-
nized and formidable threats to commercial rity countermeasures of “prevention through
vessels still exist and cannot be ignored. deterrence.” In light of this, we believe it is
These regional threats are currently sup- vital for all stakeholders and industry partici-
pressed by the existence of the Holistic pants to be fully aware of the status quo, the
Maritime Security System, particularly using consequences of stakeholder decision-mak-
BMP5 procedures, together with the pres- ing, and the potentially ominous outcomes
ence of armed guards on board. However, facing this region as a result of this decision
what are the consequences of the industry and moment in history.
bodies’ decision for declassification? If the
area is no longer an “HRA,” what would justify
the continued existence and funding of the
antipiracy infrastructure, such as the coordi- “
nated response/reporting of organizations If coordinated response
or naval vessels? Should the ecosystem of
PMSCs, armed guards, and Vessel Based & reporting organizations
Armories be removed? If the security system
becomes diminished or dismantled, how will become defunct, who will
seafarers under threat
vessels respond to pirates and other threats
caused by regional instability, which are
likely to resurge? If seafarers operate under reach out to for support?
the illusion of safety, what do they do if an
incident occurs? If coordinated response & For an in-depth analysis, please see Diaplous’ ”
reporting organizations become defunct,
who will seafarers under threat reach out to
for support? Will they use passive counter-
measures without the security infrastructure White Paper from September 1st, 2022, “The
for assistance, or will they expect help from Known Unknowns: Declassification of the In-
the coastguards of Somalia/ Yemen? What dian Ocean High-Risk Area (HRA),” which pre-
will be the underwriters, insurers, and Flag sents the declassification of the IOR HRA in
State Administrations’ stance in response to relation to the reality of the current situation
the declassification? and an analysis of the facts. Our expertise
The industry must assess the risks facing and knowledge, distilled from 15 years of ex-
commercial vessels under attack from armed perience in the field and facing the reality of
gangs (or other types of threats) if security the Indian Ocean Region, provides the reader
controls are not used and if the Holistic Mar- with the tools and updated intelligence with
itime Security System is in any way dimin- which stakeholders can assess the situation
ished or its efficacy reduced. Vessels without and risks firsthand.
by Diaplous Group
14 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022