Page 8 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 8

Minerva Marine Inc. has been honoured

     NOTICEBOARD  with the Efkranti Award for Supporting

           Greek Maritime Entrepreneurship

           The Efkranti Awards ceremony has been organ-
           ized for fourteen consecutive years by the Greek
           shipping magazine “Naftika Chronika to honor
           the previous year’s maritime community pro-
           tagonists. This year’s awarding ceremony took
           place in a particularly emotional atmosphere
           on Wednesday, 29 June 2022, at the Hellenic
           Naval Academy in Piraeus and was attended
           by members of the Greek maritime family. The
           Efkranti Awards jury selected Minerva Marine
           Inc. as  the recipient of the 2021 “Supporting
           Greek Maritime Entrepreneurship Award.”
           The jury selected Minerva Marine as this year’s
           awardee. The selection panel members included
           HEMEXPO members, awardees of previous years,
           representatives of the Greek academic, busi-
           ness, and maritime communities, as well as the
           management and regular columnists of Naftika
                                              Mr. Sokratis Dimakopoulos, Minerva’s COO receiving the Efkranti Award
           Chronika magazine.
                                              company and employee ties, commitment to   Greek companies, supplies, the provision
           Mr. Sokratis Dimakopoulos, Minerva’s COO,   modernization  and  business  audacity,  and   of technical and consulting services, and
           who was there to receive the award on be-  contribution  to  society  have  characterized   many others.
           half of the company, said in his acceptance   Minerva Marine’s twenty-five-year history.  The company’s preference for Greek
           speech:                            The company’s 74 ships traveling the oceans,   equipment and services is a conscious
           “Our Company is and will remain commit-  mainly carrying energy in the form of crude   choice, not only because they meet the
           ed to the Greek element by always sup-  oil, oil products, solid fuels, and liquefied   required  specifications  and  have  the
           porting  Greek  seafarers,  the  Greek  flag,   natural gas, with the sails and owl on its logo,   corresponding certifications, but also   Paint your way to CII & EEXI
           the Greek men and women employed   demonstrate its maritime character and wis-  because of their quality and the know-
           at  our  offices,  and  naturally  the  Greek   dom, turning knowledge and determination   how they have acquired over time, which
           manufacturers and suppliers of maritime   into business action and attitude.  ensures their evolution and constant im-
           equipment, Greek ship repairers, as well   Minerva Marine was founded in 1996 by   provement. Behind Greek manufacturing
           as Greek maritime consultants.     Andreas I. Martinos as a start-up company   are creative people who, realizing the size   Hull coating is one of single most effi cient ways  With its unique silicone-hydrogel Actiguard
           A revolution is currently underway in   but at the same time as a capping stone of   and value of Greek shipping, research,
           shipping,  caused  not  only  by  the  rapid   the tradition and  vigor  that characterized   innovate and upgrade their products and   to improve the energy effi ciency of a vessel –   technology, you will be able to obtain speed
           technological advances but also by the   the maritime activity of the pioneer Athena   services, supporting the sustainability of   and one of the simplest and fastest ways to   improvements leading to fuel savings of up
           regulations and targets put in place for   - Nounou - Martinos. Today, the company   Greek shipping companies.        improve your CII rating and maintain it for   to 20 per cent over the entire 5-year period
           the decarbonization of the industry. This   continues its successful course with Andre-  Minerva, further raises its ships’ safety   years as well as increase the reference speed  until next mandatory docking, a very low
           development poses a great challenge for   as A. Martinos at the helm.  and efficiency standards by providing its
           all of us, but at the same time, it also pre-  The prominent position the company   officers with up-to-date training through   for the purpose of EEXI.            average speed loss down to 1.2 per cent
           sents a great opportunity and I hope that   holds today requires hard work, business   its own ATHINA Training Center and en-                                       and your investment will be paid back in less
           the Greek entrepreneurs will transform   acumen and insight, respect for seafarers,   sures the high quality of its transport   The Hempaguard range offers you one of the   than a year.
           this opportunity into a business success.”   and crystal-clear relations with charterers   services by supporting the Greek shipping   most high-performing hull coating solutions
           Mr. Dimakopoulos attended the beautiful   while supporting Greek manufacturers that   business community through synergies
           ceremony accompanied by Mr. Stefanos   serve the needs of ships and the office. The   and collaborations.             available on the market.                      No matter where and how your vessel travels.
           Stylianos, HSQ-Marine Manager and DPA.  company supports Greek Maritime Entre-
                                              preneurship by meeting its needs related
           The selection committee’s letter of recom-  to the repair and maintenance of ships in   To view the video of the
           mendation for the award            Greek shipyards or by Greek workshops,   Efkranti Award presented
           Family tradition and dynamism, trust in   the purchase of marine equipment and   to Minerva Marine,
           Greek shipping and Greece, dedication to   materials  designed  and  manufactured  by   scan the QR Code:

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