Page 6 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 6




           Shipping industry to
           remove the Indian Ocean
           High-Risk Area


           After more than a decade of effective
           threat-reducing counter-piracy operations,
           shipping has removed the Indian Ocean
           from the High-Risk Area (HRA) category.
           The removal of the HRA reflects a signifi-
           cantly improved  piracy situation  in  the
           region, mainly due to concerted coun-
           ternational stakeholders. No piracy attacks  Seafarer satisfaction on   responses. As such, this debate continues to
           ter-piracy efforts by many regional and in-
           against merchant ships have occurred off   the rise                   shape the happiness of seafarers massively.
           Somalia since 2018.                                                   There were responses warily welcoming the
           The IMO has been informed of the decision                             changes to MLC, which will make access
           made by the International Chamber of   #seafarersmatter               mandatory; the enthusiasm was tempered
           Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, International Marine                           with concerns about cost and quality.
           Contractors Association (IMCA), INTERCAR-  The latest Seafarers Happiness Index pub-
           GO, INTERTANKO, and Oil Companies Inter-  lished by The Mission to Seafarers reveals a   Source: The Mission to Seafarers
           national Marine Forum (OCIMF).     welcome rise in optimism with a significant
           Measures enacted to secure the waters by   increase in an overall rating of 7.21/10, up   Joint concentrated
           the military, governments, civil society, and   from 5.85 in the previous quarter.
           shipping industry, as well as Best Manage-  end of COVID issues, it is perhaps the begin- inspection campaign
                                              While what we are seeing might not be the
           ment Practices guidance, have reduced the
                                              ning of the end. Amendments to the Maritime
           threat of piracy in the Indian Ocean.  Labour Convention (MLC), and the prospect  on STCW
           The  removal  of  the  HRA  will allow  char-
           terers, shipowners, and operators time to   of universal connectivity, have given rise to
           adapt to the changing piracy threat. Best   optimism, and timely crew changes have had   #stcw
           Management  Practices  5  (BMP5) will  con-  a massive impact on positivity. When sea-
           tinue to provide the necessary guidance   farers know how long they will be on board   Member Authorities of the Tokyo and the
           for shipping to ensure threat and risk as-  and are sure they will be home on time, they   Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU)
           sessments are developed for every voyage   can deal with the challenges faced at sea.   on Port State Control launched a joint
           to mitigate the risks of remaining security   This Quarter 2 2022 report paints a picture   Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on
           threats in the region. The shipping industry   of some important positive progress and will   STCW.
           will continue to monitor and advise on   allow the industry a collective wiping of the   This campaign will be held for three months,
           maritime security threats to assist the safe   brow, but it is not mission accomplished as   commencing  on  1  September  2022 and
           transit of vessels and the seafarers who   there is still much to be done.  ending  on  30  November  2022.  The  CIC  in-
           crew them.                         The issue of connectivity and contact with   spections will be applicable to all ships and
                                              families and loved ones at home was the   conducted in conjunction with the regular
           Source: International Chamber of Shipping  topic of much debate within the most recent   Port State Control inspection.

          6  MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 21 / Q3 2022
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