Page 3 - 2022 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 3

Contents                                             Editorial

          3    Editorial                                                            On behalf of the editorial team, I would
                                                                                    like to extend a warm welcome to the
          4    Minerva at a Glance
                                                                                    Q3 2022 edition of Minerva in Focus
          6    News Hour                                                            which I trust our colleagues and busi-
                                                                                    ness partners will find interesting and
          8    NOTICEBOARD
                 Minerva Marine Inc. has been honoured                              We are glad to see that our quarterly
                 with the Efkranti Award for Supporting
                 Greek Maritime Entrepreneurship                                    magazine is well received both inter-
                                                                                    nally and within the wider maritime
               SAFETY & SECURITY                                                    industry. Minerva in Focus offers an
                                                             insight into our activities onboard and ashore and our company’s projects
         10      Case study: Accidental release of a lifeboat
                                                             and initiatives and follows new developments in shipping, simultaneously
         12      Safety Digest: Fender bender!               providing a forum for our employees and business partners to share their
                                                             ideas and insights. Our magazine is distributed electronically and in hard
         14      The Known Unknowns
                                                             copy to all our fleet vessels and offices and is made available to our busi-
               HEALTH & WELL BEING                           ness partners.
                                                             Out of the very interesting reading material in this issue, I would particularly
         16      Basic principles of wound care
                                                             like to mention the magazine feature on the “ATHINA Maritime Learning and
         18      How does healthy eating help me?            Development Center,” our in-house training center. Recognizing that the
                 Building Healthy Nutrition Habits Onboard   competence of our seafarers is a key parameter for our company’s success,
                                                             we decided to establish our in-house training center to ensure the contin-
               WHERE SEAFARERS ALWAYS COME FIRST             uous enhancement of the knowledge and skills of our seagoing personnel,
                                                             creating at the same time a venue “Where Seafarers Always Come First,” as
         22      A Brief Timeline of ATHINA Training Centre
                                                             ATHINA’s motto states.
         26      ATHINA Training Centre through the eyes     In February 2018, construction work began on the ATHINA Center to allow the
                 of Minerva's officers                       accommodation of state-of-the-art training facilities and equipment, includ-
                                                             ing bridge, engine, and cargo-handling simulators, mechanical and electrical
         32      DNV Maritime Academy addresses global transformations
                 through continuous learning                 workshops, safety equipment/gear, and pollution prevention equipment,
                                                             such as BWTS, Oil Water Separators, etc. Our first simulation-based seminars
         34      How Covid-19 has affected training          were held in May 2019, and later that year, ATHINA was accredited by DNV
                 in the shipping industry
                                                             as a Maritime Training Center to industry standards. With the invaluable
               MARINE TECHNOLOGY                             assistance of our instructors, most of whom are active Masters and Chief
                                                             Engineers from our fleet’s ships, ATHINAS’ portfolio of training courses has
         36      Hydraulic Cylinders: Chrome plating vs. laser cladding
                                                             expanded, covering the core areas of Navigation, Engineering, Cargo Han-
               OUR MARITIME FAMILY                           dling & Management, as well as Safety and Environmental Protection.
                                                             In October 2021, ATHINA was accredited by the Maltese Merchant Shipping
         40      Food Culture: Famous recipes from different cultures
                                                             Directorate as an STCW-compliant Maritime Training Center. Since then, sev-
         42      A Thank you Note                            eral STCW Courses have also been certified, enabling us to train our officers
                                                             to acquire the respective Certificates of Proficiency.
         44      Welcome on Board
                                                             It should be noted that from its first day of operation, ATHINA has been em-
               ATHINA TRAINING CENTRE                        braced by our officers, who greatly appreciate the efforts and resources the
                                                             company allocates to promoting their professional development. In addi-
         46      Schedule of Seminars                        tion, our business partners (including major charterers), whenever they have
                                                             the opportunity to visit ATHINA, are positively impressed by the advanced
         48    Q3 Daybook
                                                             infrastructure and capabilities of our training center, which is objective
         52    Brain Exercises                               evidence of our commitment to investing in our people, our determination
                                                             to keep our staff trained and motivated, and our dedication to delivering
                                                             services of the highest quality.
                                                             I am sure you will enjoy reading about the ATHINA Training Center,
                                                             along with the other informative articles featured in the Q3 2022 Min-
                                                             erva in Focus. We will be happy to provide more information on any
                                                             topic  you  find  particularly  interesting.  We want  to  thank  all  of  you,  on
                                                             board and ashore, for your valuable contributions to this publication.
                                                             For any suggestions/feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us 

                                                               Sokratis Dimakopoulos
                                                               Chief Operating Officer

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