Page 26 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 26

           ESG and Sustainability Reporting:

           The GRI and SASB Standards

           As it is known, Minerva Gas is working to-  tory statement from the company’s
           ward issuing its first ESG report, which will   Chief Executive, a description of the   “
           provide a transparent and fact-based/   procedure followed while developing
           structured disclosure of the company’s   the report (e.g., metrics and terminol-  In view of the absence
           sustainability policies, targets, and per-  ogy used, etc.), and an overview of the   of a standard reporting
           formance. The report will be prepared   company’s Mission, Vision, and Value
           in accordance with applicable reporting   statements.  All  the  above  should,  of   procedure or model for
           standards such as the Global Reporting   course, be meticulously considered in   sustainability principles
           Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Ac-  relation to ESG and sustainability.
           counting Standards Board (SASB).        Another common feature is the   in the shipping industry,
                                                   manner in which topic relevance is   the GRI and SASB Standards
                                                   decided, and the information to be
           Comparing the GRI and SASB reporting    reported is filtered. Topic relevance   could serve as starting
           standards                               is, of course, in all cases dictated
                                                   by  stakeholder  interest  and  is  com-  points to fill this gap.
           While similar in nature, there are some key   municated to the company through
           differences between the GRI and SASB stand-  materiality assessments and surveys                 ”
           ards when it comes to their relevance and   distributed to its key stakeholders.
           applicability. In broad terms, it could be said   Such surveys aim to determine how
           that the GRI provides reporting Standards   important the stakeholders consider
           with wider stakeholder relevance, while SASB   the various ESG topics in relation to   the two standards is that the GRI
           Standards tend to be more investor-orient-  the company.                  provides reporting companies with
           ed. However, both the GRI and SASB indica-                                guidance to create relevant, credible,
           tors could potentially be populated using the   2.  GRI and SASB’s main   and reliable  sustainability reports
           abundant ESG-related data already being   differences                     and is thus company-oriented. On
           collected by many shipping companies.                                     the other hand, the SASB provides in-
                                                   Although both standards make use   vestors access to comparable, clear,
                                                   of the materiality assessment mech-  and consistent data to make well-in-
                1.  GRI and SASB’s similarities    anism to determine topic relevance,   formed investment decisions and is
                                                   they differ slightly in the way materi-  thus much more investor-oriented.
                The GRI and SASB Standards require   ality is applied in each case. Namely,   Lastly, while both sets of standards
                the reporting company to first make   the GRI Standard urges organizations   can be applied to public or private
                general disclosures regarding its   to select topics representing their   organizations of any size, anywhere
                corporate structure and strategic ap-  most influential economic, envi-  in the world, the GRI is designed to
                proach to sustainability and sustaina-  ronmental, and social practices in   allow its use in any industry - as op-
                bility reporting. Such disclosures would   consultation with their stakeholders.   posed to the SASB Standards, which
                typically include a relevant explana-  These topics could include issues   are sector-specific and designed in-
                                                   with significant financial impacts on   dividually for 77 separate industries.
                                                   the organization and others with a
                                                   more indirect economic impact but   In view of the absence of a standard report-
                                                   significant social and environmental   ing procedure or model for sustainability
                                                   influence, such as GHG, supply chain   principles in the shipping industry, the GRI
                                                   practices, human rights, etc.  and SASB Standards could serve as starting
                                                   In contrast, the SASB’s view of mate-  points to fill this gap.
                                                   riality is based on definite financial   However, throughout this effort towards
                                                   factors universally recognized by   standardized ESG reporting, not only should
                                                   capital markets. Thus, the SASB   each company’s specific needs and recours-
                                                   Standard focuses on ESG topics that   es always be carefully considered, but cer-
                                                   are more likely to influence the fi-  tain limits to the extent of disclosed infor-
                                                   nancial performance and enterprise   mation should also be respected. Therefore,
            by Georgina Pantositi                  value of the typical shipping compa-  each company is encouraged to scrutinize
            HSQ Administrator,                     ny in the long term.          and tailor these guidelines to suit its sus-
            Minerva Marine Inc.                    Another critical difference between   tainable development priorities better.

          26 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022
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