Page 22 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 22

           ESG in Shipping Requires

           Deep Domain Expertise

           Shipping is a unique industry, with a vast   tackle the environmental issue effectively. It is
           stakeholder  network  that  spans  ship-  at this crossroads that people and technology                                                          SETTING THE COURSE TO
           yards, shipowners, operators, charterers,   come together to create sustainable business
           investors, governments, regulators, and   results.
           many  more.  Each has  wide-ranging in-
           terests, from commercial opportunities   Having a commercially-competitive fleet and
           to addressing environmental concerns,   constantly staying under an ambitious decar-
           protecting the marine environment, and   bonisation trajectory while also having zero                                                 PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABLE SHIPPING
           improving crew and cargo safety.   lost-time incidents can only be achieved by
                                              taking an intentional, balanced approach to the
           The collective challenge that the shipping   ESG elements.
           industry faces is how to build a customised,
           sustainable  and  effective  Environmental,   Considering the societal element, focusing on
           Social, and Governance (ESG) framework that   crew welfare needs like the health, safety, and
           optimises its metrics, reporting, and competi-  security of people as well as the diversity and
           tive position against broader goals across the   safety of cargo becomes even more critical in
           entire value chain.                an increasingly digital world and evolving ship-
                                              to-shore interface.
           The nature of shipping - capital intensive, glob-
           al, and highly regulated, with emissions that   Equally important is having the right govern-
           are hard to abate - accentuates the challenges   ance structures to address emerging asset and
           of the ESG. What is new is that ESG asks for   corporate risk in a rapidly evolving regulatory,
           performance beyond the regulatory threshold.   technological, and business environment.
           ESG will define future trajectories. It requires
           top  management  engagement  so  that  the   There are many potential ESG criteria and
           whole company is driven towards continuous   frameworks. Still, shipping’s very specific char-
           improvement in a new series of KPIs.  acteristics mean that some companies may
                                              struggle to have those aspects properly repre-
           We talk a lot about the “E” aspect, which is   sented in their reports and thus unnecessarily
           understandable given the importance of the   increase their ESG risk.
           decarbonisation agenda, the principal focus of
           our industry for some time now.    Ultimately, ESG covers the entire value chain,
                                              in which suppliers, clients, employees, and
           But we should not downplay the equal im-  even governments are pushing each other
           portance of the “S” and the “G.” The power   to improve performance to ensure their own
           lies in giving equal weight to both. We need   benchmarks continue to trend in the desired
           the elements of society and governance to   direction.


                                              The nature of shipping -
                                              capital intensive, global,
                                              and highly regulated, with

                                              emissions that are hard to
                                              abate - accentuates the
                                              challenges of the ESG.
           by Georgios Zindros,
           ABS Manager,
           Greece Business Development                                                                                          DOWNLOAD THE REPORT

          22 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022                                                                              TODAY TO LEARN MORE.                                                         SAFETY LEADERSHIP
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