Page 24 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 24

           Environmental Sustainability and

           Reporting: The Contribution of

           Environmental Training and Awareness

                                                                                                                                                We are everywhere and we take you forward
           In many public and private industrial sec-  manages a considerable number of ships op-
           tors, including shipping, the call for in-  erating globally, is to protect the marine eco-
           creased transparency and accountability   system, preserve natural resources, eliminate                                                            
           concerning the impacts of day-to-day op-  the impact of air pollution on human health,
           erations on the environment, people, and   and improve energy efficiency by contributing
           the economy echoes the needs of human   to the reversal of climate change.
           societies.                         Behind the data that need to be collected,
                                              checked, and reported are seafarers. For
           Reporting information on how a shipping com-  example,  they  are  the  ones  who  must  take
           pany operates and manages the social and   the  tank  ullage  measurements,  ensure  the
           environmental challenges helps all interested   proper operation of flow meters and emis-
           parties, from the potential charterers and the   sions analyzers, produce the reports, and
           investors to the wider public, to evaluate a     most importantly, help their ship perform
           company’s non-financial performance and its   over and beyond the requirements of MARPOL
           level of responsibility in managing ships.  and other international or local regulations.
           For oceangoing ships navigating to the ends   Environmental reporting is already a legal re-
           of the oceans to load or deliver hazardous   quirement for greenhouse gas emissions and   what entries must be recorded, and what kind
           cargoes in often harsh conditions with the   a strong industry recommendation under var-  of reports need to be produced and shared
           ultimate objective to help local societies meet   ious environmental management standards.  with the responsible persons in the Office.
           their needs, the definition and measurement   Helping raise the environmental awareness   The formal, mandatory reporting by the com-
           of sustainability is not an easy task.   and consciousness of our seafarers by clarify-  pany  to the Flag State Administration,  Class
           The United Nations Conference on Develop-  ing the rationale of the applicable regulations   Societies or international organizations starts
           ment, held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, endorsed   and the importance of complying with any   onboard with the collection of data. From fuel
           environmental management and reporting   ship-generated waste discharge or emissions   consumption to the machinery spaces’ bilge
           as two of the highest corporate priorities   criteria is a systematic effort that we carry out   water and sludge production to the emissions
           for  sustainable  development.  Sustainable   at the ATHINA Training Center.  of crude oil volatile organic compounds and
           development is the type of growth and devel-  In our seminars on the implementation of   other similar information, the ship is the start-
           opment that meets the needs of the present   MARPOL 73/78, Ballast Water Treatment, Fuel   ing point for producing accurate, consistent,
           generations without compromising the ability   Management,  Energy  Efficiency and other   and comparable information.
           of future generations to meet their own needs.   topics,  attending  Officers  are  expected  to   The environmental impact of a shipping com-
           Today, sustainability reporting includes infor-  understand the permissible discharges and   pany’s activity may be positive or adverse. The
           mation concerning the significant economic,   emissions internationally and locally, where   reporting of information should cover both as-
           social, environmental and governance impacts   applicable, and what compliance measures   pects in a clear and balanced way. A shipping
           from the operation of a shipping company.     need to be taken, what specific management   company may report on a wide range of po-
           The  obligation  of  Minerva  Marine,  which   and operation plans need to be implemented,   tential environmental issues. First, it is neces-
                                                                                 sary to assess what information is considered
                                                                                 important in understanding its performance,
                                                                                 position in the same industrial sector, and
                                                                                 impact. Nowadays, controlling and reversing
                                                                                 climate change is a key priority for any compa-
                                                                                 ny. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas
                                                                                 emissions must be calculated in comparison
                                                                                 to the transport work made by the vessel. At          Air                                    Sea
                                                                                 the same time, savings from implementing                                                                                              Road
                                                                                 technical and operational measures also need    Freight                                  Freight                                Transport
                                                                                 to be calculated.
                                                                                 The efforts of our seafarers to collect environ-
                                                                                 mental  information  will  ultimately  draw  the
           by Stelios Volakis,                                                   picture of how our company interacts with
           Training Manager,                                                     the  natural  environment  and  helps  reverse
           Minerva Marine Inc.                                                   climate change.                                                                  Riga Ferraiou 73 & Sokratous 26, Moschato

          24 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022                                                                                     Telephone: +30 210 94 15 316                  Fax: +30 210 45 33  910                  E-mail:

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