Page 7 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
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institutions– Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, decided to launch the implementation The Seafarer Workforce Report, published
Gard, Cefor – in collaboration with leading of the CMP concept in the North-Western in 2021 by BIMCO and ICS, reports that
industry players – Willis Towers Watson, Indian Ocean by establishing a Maritime 1.89 million seafarers are currently op-
Star Bulk, A.P. Møller-Mærsk, Lloyd’s Regis- Area of Interest covering the maritime erating over 74,000 vessels in the global
ter – with expert support provided by the area from the Strait of Hormuz to the merchant fleet.
Swiss Re Institute and UMAS. Southern Tropic and from the North of
the Red Sea towards the centre of the Of this total workforce, 198,123 (10.5%) of
Learn more about the Poseidon Principles Indian Ocean. The implementation of the seafarers are Russian of which 71,652 are
for Marine Insurance at www.poseidon- CMP concept in the North-Western Indian officers and 126,471 are ratings. Ukraine Ocean will complement both the EU’s and accounts for 76,442 (4%) of seafarers of
EU member states’ activities in the region which 47,058 are officers and 29,383 are
Source: Global Maritime Forum while respecting the mandate and chain ratings. Combined they represent 14.5%
of command of EUNAVFOR Operation of the global workforce.
Coordinated Maritime ATALANTA. Shipping is currently responsible for the
Presences: EU Council The CMP concept aims to increase the EU’s movement of near 90% of global trade.
capacity as a reliable partner and mari-
Seafarers have been at the forefront of
extends implementation time security provider, offering a greater the response to the pandemic, ensuring
European engagement, ensuring contin-
essential supplies of food, fuel and medi-
in the Gulf of Guinea for uous maritime presence and outreach cine continue to reach their destinations.
in designated Maritime Areas of Interest
two years as established by the Council, as well as To maintain this unfettered trade, seafar-
promoting international cooperation and
ers must be able to join and disembark
partnership at sea. ships (crew change) freely across the
#seafarers world. With flights cancelled in the region,
The Council will review both the imple- this will become increasingly difficult.
The European Council recently approved mentation of the CMP Concept in the Gulf The ability to pay seafarers also needs to
two sets of conclusions on the Coordinat- of Guinea and the North-Western Indian be maintained via international banking
ed Maritime Presences (CMP) concept. Ocean by February 2024. systems.
In its first set of conclusions, the Council Source: European Council ICS has previously warned of a shortage
welcomes the initial achievements within of merchant sailors to crew commercial
the Gulf of Guinea and extends its imple- Russian and Ukrainian ships if action is not taken to boost num-
the framework of the CMP pilot case in
bers, raising risks for global supply chains.
mentation by two years. The CMP concept seafarers make up This has been compounded by draconian
in the Gulf of Guinea has proven to be an travel restrictions, brought on by the pan-
effective and useful instrument, contrib- 14.5% of global shipping demic, that saw seafarers unable to crew
uting to enhanced maritime security and change and resulted in 100’000’s overstay-
reflecting the EU’s growing role as a mar- workforce ing contracted periods at sea.
itime security provider. The conclusions
also encourage the further strengthening #crew Research carried out by ICS reported that
of the CMP concept through close coop- the average ship has a mix of at least three
eration between the EU and Western and The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), nationalities on board, and sometimes as
Central African States. representing 80% of the worlds merchant many as thirty. Three languages were the
fleet, has warned of supply chain disruption minimum spoken on the average ship.
Building on this positive example, in its should the free movement of Ukrainian and
second set of conclusions, the Council also Russian seafarers be impeded. Source: