Page 6 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 6




           United Nations bodies

           call for further action to
           end seafarer crisis

                                                                                 Poseidon Principles for
           Four United Nations organizations issued a   1.   Designate seafarers as “key workers”
           joint statement on 28 February calling for   2.   Prioritize the vaccination of seafarers
           continued global collaboration to address   3.   Provide or administer COVID-19 tests   Marine Insurance
           the crew change crisis, which at times dur-  and appropriate PPE to seafarers,
           ing the COVID-19 pandemic has left more   including PCR tests where necessary
           than 400,000 seafarers stranded at sea.  4.  Ensure the consistent application of   #environment
                                                 internationally agreed protocols and
           The  International  Labour  Organization   standards                  The Poseidon Principles for Marine In-
           (ILO), the International Maritime Organiza-  5.   Adopt the latest legal instruments, in-  surance  are  a  new  global  framework
           tion (IMO), UNCTAD, and the World Health   cluding the MLC, 2006 and the Seafar-  for responsible marine insurance. The
           Organization (WHO) urge governments, the   ers’ Identity Documents Convention   Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance
           shipping industry, and other stakeholders   (Revised), 2003           provide a global framework for assessing
           to scale up efforts to safeguard seafarer   6.  Implement the recently updated WHO   and disclosing the climate alignment of
           health and safety and avoid supply chain   sector-specific guidance for the man-  insurers’ hull and machinery portfolios.
           disruptions during the ongoing pandemic.  agement of COVID-19 onboard cargo   They establish a common, global baseline
                                                 ships and fishing vessels, published   to quantitatively assess and disclose the
           The organizations note that as COVID-19   in December 2021            climate alignment of insurance portfolios
           travel restrictions eased and vaccination   7.   Provide, where relevant, public key   in order to assess the environmental and
           rates increased among maritime person-  certificates associated with any health   climate impact of business decisions –
           nel, the humanitarian crisis at sea showed   proof to relevant trust networks  thus enabling the insurance sector to
           signs of improvement before the Omicron   8.  Continue to collaborate to ensure   improve transparency.
           variant appeared.                     that relevant guidance is regularly
                                                 updated, in line with developments   The Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance
           The  UN  organizations  are  concerned  the   and evolving scientific insights  are  consistent  with  the  policies  and  ambi-
           positive trends observed before Omicron   9.   Undertake concerted, collaborative   tions of the International Maritime Organiza-
           could be further reversed. “While the num-  efforts to keep seafarers safe and limit   tion (IMO) and have also chosen to take steps
           ber of seafarers that remain stranded has   the disruption to supply chains  toward alignment with the Paris Agreement.
           decreased, it remains considerable, and                               Signatories of the Principles include
           further efforts must be made to rectify   Source: UNCTAD              SwissRe Corporate Solutions, Gard, Hel-
           the situation and alleviate the continuing                            lenic Hull, SCOR, Victor Insurance, and the
           crisis,” the statement says.                                          Norwegian Hull Club. Affiliate members
                                                                                 supporting the Principles are Willis Towers
           Recognizing the critical role of the mari-                            Watson, Cefor, and EF Marine. The Interna-
           time sector in keeping trade flowing during                           tional Union of Marine Insurers (IUMI) is a
           the global fight against COVID-19, the four                           supporting partner.
           UN organizations call on governments,
           national and local authorities, and all rel-                          The drafting of the Poseidon Principles
           evant stakeholders, including employers,                              was led under auspices of the Global Mari-
           to take the following 10 critical actions.                            time Forum by a group of global insurance
          6  MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 19 / Q1 2022
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