Page 46 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 46


           Tarama Dip


           Food Culture:

           Famous recipes from

           different cultures

                                              What is Tarama?                    Lent, which begins forty days before Pas-
                                                                                 cha (Easter). People who observe Lent do
                                              Tarama is the cured eggs of carp fish, grey   not consume meat, dairy, and fish. How-
                                              mullet, or cod. In Greece, we have two types   ever, seafood like mussels,  octopus, and
                                              of tarama. The one is called white tarama,   squid are allowed as they do not contain
                                              although actually a yellowish color, while   blood in their bodies.
                                              the other is called pink tarama, which is   In older times, when people were a lot
                                              white tarama with pink color added to it to   more religious, the Greek Lent fast lasted
                                              give it a more attractive color. The flavor of   for forty days. Today, most people fast
                                              both types is almost the same, the white   only on Clean Monday and during the
                                              variety being a touch stronger.    week before Easter Sunday, which is what
                                                                                 we call the Holy Week, as it is the week
                                              The Greek tarama dip, or taramosalata, is   in which the suffering and death of Christ
                                              made using potatoes or bread as a base.   took place. But enough with the religious
                                              Lemon juice, olive oil, and onion are add-  stuff! It is time to move to another tradi-
                                              ed, and sometimes fine walnut or almond   tional Greek dish, the meze!
                                              crumbs. It is a favorite Greek meze that
                                              goes perfectly with ouzo.          Meze is the Greek name for the different
                                                                                 small dishes served along with alcohol
                                                                                 (traditionally ouzo or raki but sometimes
                                              Greek Traditions                   even wine) before the main meal, in most
                                                                                 cases, lunch. Meze dishes are usually
                                              This dip is one of the traditional dishes   dips, spreads, marinated fish, seafood, or
           by Fotini Gazi                     enjoyed during Greek Lent and Clean   cheese. A meze dish usually contains vin-
                                                                                 egar, garlic, or lemon in order to increase
           Real Greek Recipes                                                    your appetite and make you really hungry
                Clean Monday is the first day of the Greek   for the main meal.

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